Bard Documentation

| Bard                                                            EXP: 210% |
| Bards are the wandering entertainers of the realm, travelling from city   |
| to city while playing songs of merriment and bringing information. In     |
| that last respect, Bards are very important: few people travel far, and   |
| for some places Bards are the only source of outside information. Thus,   |
| they are often warmly greeted and usually stay free of charge at any      |
| place they frequent. Bards are trained in exclusive colleges, where they  |
| are taught a multitude of things, from swordplay, to stealth, to magic.   |
| Bards practise a unique form of magic by using their considerable musical |
| talents to weave spells. These spells usually take the form of charming   |
| magic. They can only use one-handed weapons, as they disdain heavy, slow  |
| weapons, and will wear only leather armour.                               |
| HP/Level: 4-6  Magic: Bardic  Combat: 3  Weapons: 1-hand  Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Traps, Thievery, Lockpicking.                         |
