Bugs. Every program no matter how well tested is bound to have a few. Games especially tend to have them, and where theres more than 3 Mud players Bugs are bound to be found.I see alot of chatter lately in the forums about bugs and those who take advantage of them. Some of you insist its "cheating". To cheat would mean to use to your advantage a means that none of the other players have access to. For instance the "MUD-OP KEY". A programming bug on the other hand, is available to everyone who plays the game, thus, becoming part of the game. So tell me now how is this cheating. Is it because you dont want to use the bug, therefore you consider those who do to be "unfair"? Well in my opinion, Life is unfair. Why should this GAME be any differnt?
I have seen many people badgering the programmers of Major Mud almost constantly about bugs and bug fixes. To you I have this to say...sit down and write a program one fifth as complex as Major Mud then give it to 100 people to run (if in fact it will the first try) and tell me how many bugs are found. Programmers dont put bugs in on purpose, and sometimes its not real easy to remove one, withough removing 5 or 6 other things at the same time, be more patient, relax...this really is a GAME you know.
So there you are...I say if someone wants to play a Buged Character let em. Eventually the Programmers are going to fix the bug and it will be gone. In the mean time dont be a total whining moron about it, leave your Sysops alone and play the game.
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