| Witchunter EXP: 130% |
| Witchunters are a breed of elite warriors who have taken a vow to destroy |
| all magical enemies. They will use no magical weapons, armour or items, |
| and will only grudgingly accept beneficial spells being cast on them. |
| They are trained from birth to be ferocious and efficient fighters, and |
| will give no quarter when faced with an enemy spell-caster. During their |
| training to become Witchunters they develop a strong anti-magic aura, |
| which interferes with spells being cast on them. This is due to their |
| near-fanatical focus and their strong willpower. They will use any non- |
| magical weapon, but will wear no armour heavier than Scale because they |
| favour quick, complex attacks that heavy armour will not permit. |
| HP/Level: 6-9 Magic: None Combat: 5 Weapons: Any Armour: Scale |
| Abilities: Extra Magic Resistance, No Magic Items. |
| Warrior EXP: 100% |
| Warriors are the basic front-line fighters in any party. They are able to |
| use any weapons and wear any armour, and have good Combat and Hit Points. |
| Even though they are a basically simple class, they are quite effective |
| and can be varied: Warriors are guardsmen, mercenaries, infantry, bowmen, |
| gladiators, and a multitude of other professions. They have no magical |
| powers but can use any magical weapon or armour piece they can find, as |
| well as all the standard potions. |
| HP/Level: 6-9 Magic: None Combat: 4 Weapons: Any Armour: Any |
| Abilities: None. |
| Paladin EXP: 220% |
| These are the holy warriors of the realm. Dedicated to fighting for their |
| deity (which can be good OR evil, take note!), they are serious fighters |
| with minor priestly powers. They can use any weapon or armour, but prefer |
| swords. The Knights of the King are Paladins, as are many of the |
| wandering warriors you see patrolling the roads. Most Paladins will |
| actively help anyone in need, even risking their own lives to save the |
| ones they aid. Evil Paladins, of course, further their deity's will by |
| slaying all people not of their own faith, so be wary when meeting a |
| stranger offering help. |
| HP/Level: 5-8 Magic: Priest-1 Combat: 4 Weapons: Any Armour: Any |
| Abilities: None. |
| Ranger EXP: 250% |
| Rangers are the hunters and protectors of the wilderness, along with the |
| Druids. They will never wilingly harm an animal, but will fight in self- |
| defense if necessary. Rangers share the same attitudes as the Druids in |
| respect to what they believe in, and in fact, Rangers are just more |
| adventurous and militant Druids. Some unscrupulous Rangers use their |
| abilities for man-hunting, at which they excel. All of them practice some |
| form of druidic magic, and this combined with their formidable combat |
| abilities and their stealth makes them powerful characters. Rangers are |
| excellent sneakers and can plan an ambush quite well if it is necessary. |
| They wear only leather armour, for they need stealth and mobility to |
| employ their powers, but they will use any weapon. Overall, Rangers are |
| a powerful and expensive class. |
| HP/Level: 5-8 Magic: Druid-1 Combat: 4 Weapons: Any Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Tracking, Stealth. |
| Cleric EXP: 220% |
| Clerics are martial Priests. While Priests prefer using spells, Clerics |
| prefer to fight. And they are quite good at it, too. Like Priests, they |
| do not enjoy bloodshed (although a little maiming is just fine), and will |
| only use blunt weapons. They will wear any armour in the fight against |
| their foes, and quite a few wear the most armour they can get. Clerics |
| are an effective class, and have a strong survival rate due to their good |
| armour an healing spells. They are a valuable addition to any party. |
| HP/Level: 4-7 Magic: Priest-2 Combat: 3 Weapons: Blunt Armour: Any |
| Abilities: None. |
| Ninja EXP: 185% |
| The origins of the ninja are basically unknown, save for the fact that |
| they come from a distant and exotic land. They seem to have an animosity |
| against mystics, so they probably originate from the same area. Ninjas |
| excel in the art of stealth and subterfuge. While they can fight fairly |
| well in hand to hand combat, they prefer to immobilize their opponent |
| before he would have time to react. After a deadly attack from the |
| shadows, they will usually finish off their victim with their mastery of |
| pressure point attacks. The ninjas of Silvermere have been rumoured to be |
| in league with the thieves guild, and are usually hired by them to do the |
| bulk of their dirty work. |
| HP/Level: 4-7 Magic: None Combat: 3 Weapons: Any Armour: Ninja |
| Abilities: Stealth, Dodge, Enhanced Criticals, Traps, Lockpicking. |
| Bard EXP: 210% |
| Bards are the wandering entertainers of the realm, travelling from city |
| to city while playing songs of merriment and bringing information. In |
| that last respect, Bards are very important: few people travel far, and |
| for some places Bards are the only source of outside information. Thus, |
| they are often warmly greeted and usually stay free of charge at any |
| place they frequent. Bards are trained in exclusive colleges, where they |
| are taught a multitude of things, from swordplay, to stealth, to magic. |
| Bards practise a unique form of magic by using their considerable musical |
| talents to weave spells. These spells usually take the form of charming |
| magic. They can only use one-handed weapons, as they disdain heavy, slow |
| weapons, and will wear only leather armour. |
| HP/Level: 4-6 Magic: Bardic Combat: 3 Weapons: 1-hand Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Traps, Thievery, Lockpicking. |
| Warlock EXP: 185% |
| Warlocks are the front-line fighters in any magical conflict. They |
| combine the best abilites of both the Warrior and Mage classes, but as a |
| result are not quite as effective as either of those 'pure' classes. |
| The Warlock class is quite a powerful one, though, when you think of what |
| a good fighter could do with potent magical spells! The King's Battle- |
| Mage corps is comprised almost exclusively of Warlocks. They eschew the |
| heavier armour in favour of lighter armour, as speed is a necessity when |
| casting spells. They need one hand free to direct their ranged spells, so |
| they may only use one-handed weapons. |
| HP/Level: 4-7 Magic: Mage-2 Combat: 3 Weapons: 1-hand Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: None. |
| Mystic EXP: 250% |
| Mystics are a rare and unusual class. They are the students of ancient |
| unarmed combat arts, and develop considerable mental powers (called Kai |
| powers) in the course of their training. The source of these Mystics is |
| not well known, but it is generally assumed to be an ancient teacher in |
| some secluded cave. Of course, this Mystic teacher could live right in a |
| city for all that is known. There are fairly advanced disciples in most |
| cities, and they teach these exotic skills to any they deem worthy. They |
| have yet to divulge the location of their master, however. Mystics' |
| unarmed combat is effective against weapons and armour due to their |
| knowledge of critical points. Usually use no weapons at all, but some |
| have become proficient in the staff. They will wear no armour except for |
| robes, as speed is the main element of their art. |
| HP/Level: 4-7 Magic: None Combat: 3 Weapons: Staff Armour: Robes |
| Abilities: Martial Arts, Dodge, Stealth, Kai Powers. |
| Missionary EXP: 220% |
| Missionaries are almost a contradictory class -- they essentially are |
| Thieves with Priestly powers. This may seem an odd combination, but the |
| need is there -- Missionaries need some stealth when voyaging into |
| heathen lands to convert others to their faith. They have good Priest |
| magic and knowledge, and also the trouble-solving thief skills. Overall, |
| they are more skulkers than fighters, but can fight well when the need |
| arises. Often they make good spies, as they already have good stealth |
| and evasion skills. Missionaries will use any one-handed weapon, and can |
| wear only leather armour. |
| HP/Level: 4-6 Magic: Priest-2 Combat: 2 Weapons: 1-H Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Traps, Lockpicking. |
| Thief EXP: 80% |
| The Thief class is fairly self-explanatory. Thieves steal, for different |
| reasons, and are very good at it. Not all thieves rob for personal gain: |
| many are vigilantes, robbing sleazy nobles to help the poor. Others |
| rarely use their thieving skills and are basically scouts, creeping ahead |
| to survey enemies. Of course most thieves rob for their own benefit, and |
| thus it is usually good to keep an eye on all Thieves in your party, even |
| if they have given their word they will not rob you. Thieves have a |
| number of useful abilites, including Thievery, Stealth, Lockpicking, |
| and Traps. They can use any one-handed weapon, and will wear no armour |
| greater than leather due to their need for stealth. Thieves can |
| also Backstab from the shadows when they are hidden, as can any class |
| with Stealth. |
| HP/Level: 4-6 Magic: None Combat: 2 Weapons: 1-handed Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Thievery, Traps, Lockpicking. |
| Gypsy EXP: 220% |
| Gypsies, if it is at all possible, travel even more than the Bards. In |
| many respects, the two classes are quite similar: they both have the same |
| assortment of weapons, armour and skills. There is a profound difference, |
| though, and that is the fact that Gypsies are not nearly as welcome as |
| Bards. This is because when a Gypsy band comes through town, things |
| always disappear. They are almost compulsive thieves -- but they are not |
| evil. Gypsies just make their money by 'alternate means', as they say. |
| They also command respectable magics, and this has saved many a Gypsy |
| skin when the authorities have come to get them. Gypsies use the same |
| weapons as thieves, for they need stealth to use their abilites, and |
| because they need freedom in all things they do. |
| HP/Level: 4-6 Magic: Mage-2 Combat: 2 Weapons: 1-hand Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Traps, Thievery, Lockpicking. |
| Druid EXP: 190% |
| Druids are the traditional protectors of the forest. They worship and |
| revere all forms of wildlife and nature. They are usually solitary folk, |
| each keeping watch of a different part of the wilderness, but in times of |
| need they come forth to preserve the balance of nature. Normally they are |
| quite pacifistic, and avoid combat, but when the balance of things is in |
| danger or their wilderness is threatened, they will retaliate with force. |
| Druids command substantial magics, and will not hesitate to use them in |
| the process of cleansing their lands from intruders. Druids use only |
| blunt weapons as they find bloodshed distasteful, but if they are caught |
| unaware they will use their sickles to defend themselves. They will wear |
| only natural armour. The Druids and the Rangers are very close, and they |
| often consult each other on the ways of the world. |
| HP/Level: 4-6 Magic: Druid-3 Combat: 2 Weapons: Blunt Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: None. |
| Mage EXP: 140% |
| There are as many kinds of Mages as there are other classes: Wizards, |
| Sorcerors, Necromancers, Summoners, Transmuters, Elementalists, and a |
| dozen more. Most of these specialists, though, never venture forth from |
| their respective towers as they are not very well suited to adventuring. |
| For this reason, most magic-users you meet in cities will be general |
| Mages. These people are quite powerful, and wield a potent magical |
| arsenal. Mages have at their command mostly combat and defense spells, as |
| they are either adventurers, searching for fortune, or are the emissaries |
| of other Wizards, who need them to search out lost artifacts or spell |
| components. Either way, they are formidable and unpredictable foes. Mages |
| use only staves (including the staff-sling) and daggers in combat, as |
| they need as much mobility as possible. For this reason also, they will |
| only wear robes for protection, and thus rely on their magic for |
| protection. |
| HP/Level: 3-5 Magic: Mage-3 Combat: 1 Weapons: Staff Armour: Robes |
| Abilities: None. |
| Priest EXP: 140% |
| Priests embody the virtue of their deities, be they good or evil. They |
| channel the power of the gods to cast their spells and are notably |
| intolerant of Priests of a different faith. Good Priests are welcome in |
| all cities for their invaluable healing services, and for their spiritual |
| guidance. Evil Priests are universally shunned, for their magical |
| practices often require human sacrifice. In fact, evil Priest seems to |
| enjoy these disgusting rites, which only perpetuates the disgust felt for |
| them. Priests wear only robes and use blunt weapons, for good priests do |
| not wish to kill needlessly, and evil priests do not want the victims to |
| bleed to death before they can use them. |
| HP/Level: 3-5 Magic: Priest-3 Combat: 1 Weapons: 1H Blunt Armour: Robes |
| Abilities: None. |

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