Cleric Documentation

| Cleric                                                          EXP: 220% |
| Clerics are martial Priests. While Priests prefer using spells, Clerics   |
| prefer to fight. And they are quite good at it, too. Like Priests, they   |
| do not enjoy bloodshed (although a little maiming is just fine), and will |
| only use blunt weapons. They will wear any armour in the fight against    |
| their foes, and quite a few wear the most armour they can get. Clerics    |
| are an effective class, and have a strong survival rate due to their good |
| armour an healing spells. They are a valuable addition to any party.      |
| HP/Level: 4-7   Magic: Priest-2  Combat: 3   Weapons: Blunt   Armour: Any |
| Abilities: None.                                                          |
