Druid Documentation

| Druid                                                           EXP: 190% |
| Druids are the traditional protectors of the forest. They worship and     |
| revere all forms of wildlife and nature. They are usually solitary folk,  |
| each keeping watch of a different part of the wilderness, but in times of |
| need they come forth to preserve the balance of nature. Normally they are |
| quite pacifistic, and avoid combat, but when the balance of things is in  |
| danger or their wilderness is threatened, they will retaliate with force. |
| Druids command substantial magics, and will not hesitate to use them in   |
| the process of cleansing their lands from intruders. Druids use only      |
| blunt weapons as they find bloodshed distasteful, but if they are caught  |
| unaware they will use their sickles to defend themselves. They will wear  |
| only natural armour. The Druids and the Rangers are very close, and they  |
| often consult each other on the ways of the world.                        |
| HP/Level: 4-6  Magic: Druid-3  Combat: 2  Weapons: Blunt  Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: None.                                                          |
