Dwarf Documentation

| DWARF                                                                     |
| Dwarves are the second oldest race known today. The Elves, of course, are |
| the first. Dwarves average about four and a half feet in height, and tip  |
| the scales at about two hundred pounds each. They are a solitary folk,    |
| and do not easily welcome strange people -- but do not mistake this for   |
| hostility. Once you have gained a Dwarf's friendship, that bond will last |
| until either of you is dead. They are cautious and slow to anger, but     |
| once their anger is roused they are terrible fighters. Dwarves love and   |
| craft precious gems and metals of all sorts, and are great worksmiths.    |
| They manufacture precious and elaborate suits of mail, and craft gleaming |
| axes with blades of true-silver. These items seldom leave the underground |
| homes of the Dwarves, but there are stories of heroes who have done some  |
| great service in receiving such a gift. Dwarves make excellent Warriors,  |
| Clerics and Paladins, due to their unshakeable faith. Dwarves can see in  |
| pitch darkness due to their constant work underground, and their stubborn |
| nature and strong willpower give them a good resistance against spells    |
| affecting the mind and body.                                              |
| Strength:50 Agility:30 Intellect:35 Wisdom:50 Health:50 Charm:30 EXP:+25% |
| Racial Abilities: Extra Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Extra Encumbrance |
