Elf Documentation

| ELF                                                                       |
| Elves are the Elder race. They are as old as the trees and the rivers     |
| they love so dearly. Ever since time has been recorded, the Elves have    |
| been there, singing and tending to the forest animals. Nowadays the Elves |
| are few, their numbers slowly dwindling as the forests they live in are   |
| cut down. They do not begrudge this, though, but see it as a passing of   |
| an age, the time of Humans. The Elves seen in cities are the very young,  |
| short on experience and high-spirited. They seem almost like children --  |
| excitable and inquisitive, even though some of them may be older than     |
| entire Human families. Physically, Elves are quite tall, the same size as |
| humans, but seem much taller due to their slimness. They are extremely    |
| magical creatures, and most are pacifistic -- unless there is some cause  |
| for action. In that case, they are savage fighters, both with spell and   |
| sword. They make great Mages, Warlocks and Gypsies, due to their cunning  |
| and grace. Elves can see equally well in dark or day.                     |
| Strength:35 Agility:50 Intellect:50 Wisdom:35 Health:30 Charm:50 EXP:+35% |
| Racial Abilities: Stealth, Night Vision                                   |
