Gnome Documentation

| GNOME                                                                     |
| Gnomes are distant cousins of the Dwarves. They are about the same height |
| as Dwarves, but are considerably slimmer. Long ago a tribe of Dwarves     |
| made its home on the surface, far from their ancient home. Over the       |
| centuries this tribe changed, becoming less dependant on their muscles    |
| and more on their mind. As this progressed, the natural technological     |
| of the Dwarves was changed into something more refined than metallurgy or |
| mining -- machinery. Where an Elf sees a waterfall and thinks of its      |
| natural beauty, and a Dwarf sees only the precious stones being smoothed  |
| in its waters, a Gnome plots water-wheels and dams. Gnomes are cunning    |
| and inventive, always thinking up new plots and trying to devise more and |
| more efficient ways to do things. Gnomes make proficient Mages and        |
| Thieves, because they have the natural intelligence and curiosity needed  |
| to be a Mage, and the knowhow to get by devices. Gnomes can see fine in   |
| the dark due to their Dwarven ancestry, as well as a having a slightly    |
| increased resistance to mind-affecting magic.                             |
| Strength:35 Agility:45 Intellect:45 Wisdom:40 Health:45 Charm:35 EXP:+25% |
| Racial Abilities: Extra Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Extra Defense     |
