Goblin Documentation

| GOBLIN                                                                    |
| Goblins have a decidedly mixed reputation. First off, they average about  |
| five feet tall, have pale green or grey skin, and save the fine,          |
| luxuriant hair on their heads they have little or no body hair. They are  |
| almost always smiling, in that white, sharp-toothed grin of theirs, and   |
| more often than not you cannot tell whether or not they are eyeing you    |
| like a side of meat. Despite their unsettling near-savagery they have a   |
| disarming charm which almost offsets their strange appearance. Almost.    |
| Goblins are thin and wiry, small and compact but very tough for their     |
| size. They are quite intelligent, and are exceedingly agile -- they are   |
| well-suited for either Mage or Thief. They are in their element in the    |
| Gypsy class. Goblins are fond of bartering, and will sit for hours to     |
| haggle down the price of a loaf of bread by one copper coin. Many wealthy |
| merchants hire a Goblin to deal with others of his kind, and the sight of |
| two Goblins in a haggling contest is a sight to see! Goblins can see very |
| well in the dark, due to the odd construction of their eyes.              |
| Strength:30 Agility:55 Intellect:45 Wisdom:40 Health:40 Charm:40 EXP:+40% |
| Racial Abilities: Stealth, Night Vision                                   |
