Gypsy Documentation

| Gypsy                                                           EXP: 220% |
| Gypsies, if it is at all possible, travel even more than the Bards. In    |
| many respects, the two classes are quite similar: they both have the same |
| assortment of weapons, armour and skills. There is a profound difference, |
| though, and that is the fact that Gypsies are not nearly as welcome as    |
| Bards. This is because when a Gypsy band comes through town, things       |
| always disappear. They are almost compulsive thieves -- but they are not  |
| evil. Gypsies just make their money by 'alternate means', as they say.    |
| They also command respectable magics, and this has saved many a Gypsy     |
| skin when the authorities have come to get them. Gypsies use the same     |
| weapons as thieves, for they need stealth to use their abilites, and      |
| because they need freedom in all things they do.                          |
| HP/Level: 4-6  Magic: Mage-2  Combat: 2  Weapons: 1-hand  Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Traps, Thievery, Lockpicking.                         |
