Halfing Documentation

| HALFLING                                                                  |
| Little is known about this shy, reclusive folk. Physically, they average  |
| around three feet high, about half the height of a human (hence the name) |
| and are therefore quite weak. They are surprisingly tough and incredibly  |
| agile -- halflings quickness is deceptive, and some adventurers get more  |
| than they bargain for when they tangle with a Halfling. They are fond of  |
| good company and good drink, and are very soft-hearted over-all. But when |
| a Halfling is cornered, or his home (or food and drink!) is threatened,   |
| they will fight with a ferocity that would startle any but the most       |
| seasoned of adventurers. Halflings do not take too well to magic, and     |
| seldom is a Halfling seen who can demonstrate magical powers of any sort. |
| Show a Halfling a good beer, a comfortable seat, and pleasant company,    |
| and you will have a friend for life. Halflings make excellent Thieves,    |
| due to their innate agility and stealth.                                  |
| Strength:20 Agility:60 Intellect:40 Wisdom:40 Health:45 Charm:40 EXP:+30% |
| Racial Abilities: Stealth, Extra Defense, -1 HP per Level                 |
