Half Elf Documentation

| HALF-ELF                                                                  |
| Half-Elves are the offspring of a Human and an Elf. Most are born from    |
| Human raids into Elven lands -- Humans sometimes can be despicable -- but |
| some are the result of an Elf and Human partnership. This is a rare       |
| occasion, for though Elves are very beautiful to Humans, they are aloof,  |
| and rarely mix with others. This dubious background makes most Half-Elves |
| bitter and so they remain loners, not wanting to be part of any culture   |
| (and in their minds, not welcome). These are usually ferocious and un-    |
| trusting, and make good allies if you can gain their respect. They look   |
| much like humans, except they are slimmer and more comely, with slightly  |
| Elven features. They mix the good qualities of both races, and are very   |
| versatile. Half-Elves can be pretty much any class they wish to be, but   |
| most are Rangers or Druids, due to their preference for solitude.         |
| Strength:35 Agility:45 Intellect:45 Wisdom:40 Health:35 Charm:45 EXP: +5% |
| Racial Abilities: None                                                    |
