Human Documentation

| HUMAN                                                                     |
| The origins of humanity are shrouded in obscurity. This may seem a        |
| ludicrous statement, but the fact is there -- humans just mysteriously    |
| appeared one day. Theories on this event are numerous. Some say the Elves |
| found humanity's ancestors roaming in the woods, and nurtured them over   |
| the ages until they were mature enough to survive as a sentient species.  |
| Another hypothesis is that humans are from a distant star, and that one   |
| day a great sky-craft collided with this land and created the barren      |
| wasteland to the east. Whatever the solution is, the Elves will not, or   |
| cannot, say. In any case humans have flourished in the past four hundred  |
| years, and now their domain is such that they are the most numerous       |
| people in the land. Human males average just under six feet tall, and     |
| females about five and a half. They have no extra special abilities or    |
| aptitudes except their versatility and drive. They do equally well in any |
| class, but are well-suited to the Ranger and Druid classes, which require |
| well-developed abilites all around.                                       |
| Strength:40 Agility:40 Intellect:40 Wisdom:40 Health:40 Charm:40 EXP: +0% |
| Racial Abilities: None                                                    |
