Capture of the Ice Sorceress Starring:

Jhereg: 17 Witchunter
Morning: 17 Warrior
Keeper: 16 Priest
Khelben: 12 Gypsy
Steel: 12 Paladin

(Level references are from when that particular monster was killed. Damage of both players and monsters are listed in table below capture.)

-- Following your Party leader east --
[225,621168]:Morning walks into the room from the west.
[225,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at Steel for 26 damage!
[225,621168]:The ice golem swings at with its massive fists!
[225,621168]:Steel moves to attack ice sorceress.
[225,621168]:a so
*Combat Engaged*
[225,621168]:Morning moves to attack ice sorceress.
[225,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[225,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[225,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 14 damage!
[225,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 12 damage!
[225,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 7 damage!
[225,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 18 damage!
[225,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[225,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[225,621168]:The ice sorceress makes a sweeping gesture!
A freezing storm of ice surrounds you!
You are freezing!
[225,621168]:The ice golem pounds Steel with its fists for 41 damage!
[225,621168]:Keeper moves to cast holy force upon ice sorceress.
[223,621168]:Keeper casts major healing on Steel!
[223,621168]:Keeper moves to cast holy force upon ice sorceress.
[221,621168]:*Combat Engaged*
[221,621168]:Steel cleaves ice sorceress for 10 damage!
[221,621168]:Steel cleaves ice sorceress for 10 damage!
[221,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[221,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 6 damage!
[221,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 6 damage!
[221,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[221,621168]:Keeper casts holy force on ice sorceress for 23 damage!
[221,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[221,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 11 damage!
[221,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[221,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at you for 53 damage!
[176,621168]:The ice golem pounds Steel with its fists for 22 damage!
[176,621168]:Steel casts major healing on Steel!
[174,621168]:Steel moves to attack ice sorceress.
[174,621168]:Khelben slices ice sorceress for 6 damage!
[172,621168]:Khelben slices ice sorceress for 5 damage!
[172,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 14 damage!
[172,621168]:Morning critically slices ice sorceress for 22 damage!
[172,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 11 damage!
[172,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[172,621168]:Keeper casts holy force on ice sorceress for 34 damage!
[172,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[172,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[172,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 4 damage!
[172,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[172,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at you for 22 damage!
[158,621168]:The ice golem swings at with its massive fists!
*Combat Engaged*
[162,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[160,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[160,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 10 damage!
[160,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 6 damage!
[160,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 17 damage!
[160,621168]:Keeper casts holy force on ice sorceress for 23 damage!
[160,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[160,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[160,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[160,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 11 damage!
[160,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 7 damage!
[160,621168]:Your sharp blade gives ice sorceress a jagged wound!
[160,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at you for 53 damage!
[115,621168]:The ice golem swings at with its massive fists!
[115,621168]:-dont mind jhereg
Keeper casts major healing on Steel!
[113,621168]:Keeper moves to attack ice sorceress.
[113,621168]:Broadcast from Jhereg "dont mind jhereg"
[111,621168]:-heal everyone else
Khelben slices ice sorceress for 2 damage!
[111,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[111,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 7 damage!
[111,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 18 damage!
[111,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[111,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 10 damage!
[111,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[111,621168]:Steel cleaves ice sorceress for 9 damage!
[111,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 11 damage!
[111,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 4 damage!
[111,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[111,621168]:Keeper swings at ice sorceress with her silvery mace!
[111,621168]:Keeper swings at ice sorceress with her silvery mace!
[111,621168]:The ice sorceress makes a sweeping gesture.
A wave of frost sweeps throughout the room!
You are frozen to the ground!
[111,621168]:The ice golem pounds Steel with its fists for 36 damage!
[111,621168]:Broadcast from Jhereg "heal everyone else"
[111,621168]:Khelben slices ice sorceress for 2 damage!
[107,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[107,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 7 damage!
[107,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 16 damage!
[107,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[107,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[107,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 11 damage!
[107,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 10 damage!
[107,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[107,621168]:Keeper critically pounds ice sorceress for 26 damage!
[107,621168]:Keeper swings at ice sorceress with her silvery mace!
[107,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at Keeper for 14 damage!
[107,621168]:The ice golem breathes its ice breath on Steel for 22 damage!
[107,621168]:Khelben slices ice sorceress for 2 damage!
[105,621168]:Khelben slices ice sorceress for 2 damage!
[105,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 14 damage!
[105,621168]:Morning critically slices ice sorceress for 22 damage!
[105,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 10 damage!
[105,621168]:Steel critically cleaves ice sorceress for 30 damage!
[105,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[105,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 7 damage!
[105,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[105,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 12 damage!
[105,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 5 damage!
[105,621168]:Keeper pounds ice sorceress for 4 damage!
[105,621168]:Keeper swings at ice sorceress with her silvery mace!
[105,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at Keeper for 21 damage!
[105,621168]:The ice golem swings at with its massive fists!
[105,621168]:Keeper casts major healing on Steel!
[103,621168]:Keeper moves to attack ice sorceress.
[101,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[101,621168]:Khelben slices ice sorceress for 5 damage!
[101,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[101,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 6 damage!
[101,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 6 damage!
[101,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[101,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[101,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[101,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[101,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 11 damage!
[101,621168]:Keeper pounds ice sorceress for 4 damage!
[101,621168]:Keeper swings at ice sorceress with her silvery mace!
[101,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at Keeper for 32 damage!
[101,621168]:The ice golem swings at with its massive fists!
[101,621168]:Steel casts major healing on Steel!
[101,621168]:Steel moves to attack ice sorceress.
[101,621168]:Broadcast from Khelben "sev"
[99,621168]:Keeper moves to cast holy force upon ice sorceress.
[99,621168]:Steel moves to attack ice sorceress.
[97,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[97,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[97,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[97,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[97,621168]:You slice ice sorceress for 4 damage!
[97,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[97,621168]:You swing at ice sorceress with your Magebane sword!
[97,621168]:Keeper casts holy force on ice sorceress for 38 damage!
[97,621168]:Steel swings at ice sorceress with his bone-handled headcutter!
[97,621168]:The ice sorceress fires a withering ice blast at Keeper for 24 damage!
[97,621168]:The ice golem pounds Steel with its fists for 25 damage!
[97,621168]:*Combat Engaged*
[101,621168]:Your are no longer freezing.
[99,621168]:Khelben critically slices ice sorceress for 26 damage!
[99,621168]:Khelben swings at ice sorceress with his serpentine sword!
[99,621168]:Morning swipes at ice sorceress with her bladed staff!
[99,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 12 damage!
[99,621168]:Morning slices ice sorceress for 17 damage!
[99,621168]:Keeper casts holy force on ice sorceress for 37 damage!
[99,621168]:Her illusion shattered, the ice sorceress falls as an old hag!
[99,621168]:You gain 1500 experience.
[99,619668]:*Combat Off*


Morning 255
Keeper 189
Jhereg 141
Steel 59
Khelben 50
Ice Sorercess 245
Ice Golems 146

PS: Notice the bug about Ice Golems: "The ice golem swings at with its massive fists!"

Thanks to Abyssmia for putting this one in color.