The Notebook of Jiggs Longthorne is prehaps one of the best resources for MajorMud Maps, Tips, and Hints available. Newly updated to include maps and tips for all the module 2 areas, as well as, the original and module 1 areas...this is absolutly a "must have" for quinticential MajorMud player.
The Maps are without a doubt the most accurate, best presented maps of this realm I have yet to lay my hands on..the maps themselves are worth every small penny asked for this 4 book set, but when coupled with diary type text entries which give the reader tips and hints at various stages of the game, it becomes worth its weith in gold.
I would suggest everyone from Apprentice to Master get their own copy of The Notebook of Jiggs Longthorne, I absolutely love mine, I even have some of the wonderfully illustrated maps hanging on my wall....all in all this set of books is very well done....again Jiggs Longthorne hits a home run.
Looking for some of the absolute best maps & tips available?
Home of The Notebook of Jiggs Longthorne , this material is recommended highly by everyone here at Rod's Mud Page....for beginners and experienced players alike.