Are you stuck? Something generaly got you stumped...well maybe its here.
How do I...Wake up the Hydra? First of all do you really want too? If so then reach over and "move anvil".
How do I...Find the Beholder? Well if you happen to be in the library...move the painting.. see that secret passage? thats it!
How do I...Make a Dragon Key? Oh boy..O.K. First of all you gotta go kill some Dragon Serpents, 5 of them, but not all the same, all a differnt know white, black, green, blue, red..and get thier fangs, take them to the Dragon Carving and put them in in order..WHITE, BLACK, GREEN, BLUE, RED. Then get ready to catch your newly formed Dragon Key!
How do I...Find the Woodelf Lord? Go look in the Silverwood Forest thats were he lives.
How do I...Find Goru-Nezar? Ok go to the Wraithlords's room...if you dont know what or where that is then you really dont wanna find Goru-Nezar...and "say shadow", then find the gems, now you have to push them in the right order or its no have fun play with it (come on if I tell you everything you'll never become a responsible adult).
How do I...Find the Night Hag? Oh this is long and difficult..."push eye"...whew.
Anything else got you stumped? Send it in and we'll see if we can find the answer.
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