I am currently working on a more informative page for Module 3....for now here is the release notes for version 1.1m...probably the most notealbe change in the basic workings of the game would be the change in regen time....depending on how "random" this really is, it could make it a little more frustrating to go get the big guys on a regular basis. The "limited" use key change also is odd to me...some keys are very hard to get...i.e. the dragon key...having it "crumble" or dissappear is in my opinion just plain idiotic, same with the easy to get keys like black star keys....having to go find another one ever so often is irritating to say the least....I realise that the programmers were trying to force more people to say fight the mummy or thier quest monster or maybe just to make the game more of a challenge but come on....not EVERY key should have limited uses...thank god my car key wasn't made by these guys.
The "jump" command is now working, woo hoo, it is needed to jump from one building to another once you get on top of the warehouse (see the new maps) I havent noticed if you can "fail" a jump or "miss" the next building and fall, if not then..why have it?
If you have any leading edge info for this module please feel free to send it on to us.
There is a new store, I dunno where it is exactly yet..but there is one, check out The Mall to see whats in it.
+ Version 1.1m - 10/3/97 + 1) Monsters that would sometimes continue to attack you after you died should no longer do this. 2) Weapons that would sometimes continue to attack the target user after they died should no longer do this. 3) Fixed parsing of item targets so that it won't match similar items and keys when the item name is a longer match than the key name match 4) Added the forget command 5) Limited uses for keys now works 6) Fixed a follow bug that would allow you to follow anyone 7) The regeneration times for monsters have been randomized a little so merely knowing when the monster was killed and what its regen time is will not be enough to know when it will regenerate.