Missionary Documentation

| Missionary                                                      EXP: 220% |
| Missionaries are almost a contradictory class -- they essentially are     |
| Thieves with Priestly powers. This may seem an odd combination, but the   |
| need is there -- Missionaries need some stealth when voyaging into        |
| heathen lands to convert others to their faith. They have good Priest     |
| magic and knowledge, and also the trouble-solving thief skills. Overall,  |
| they are more skulkers than fighters, but can fight well when the need    |
| arises. Often they make good spies, as they already have good stealth     |
| and evasion skills. Missionaries will use any one-handed weapon, and can  |
| wear only leather armour.                                                 |
| HP/Level: 4-6  Magic: Priest-2  Combat: 2  Weapons: 1-H   Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Traps, Lockpicking.                                   |
