| MajorMud Release Notes |
I'd like to thank everyone for their patience with the bugs which we are
uncovering in MajorMud. Unfortunately, I do not always have time to fully
check all of my fixes. It will be very helpful if everyone continues to
pitch in and check my fixes as I have listed them here to confirm that I
actually fixed them and didn't create a new bug in the process.
+ Version 1.1n - 10/11/97 +
1) Fixed another bug that would let you know if you were hiding.
2) Fixed the wererat attack bug
3) Fixed the darkness hits spell bug
4) Fixed a number of drag-user-around bugs
+ Version 1.1m - 10/3/97 +
1) Monsters that would sometimes continue to attack you after you died should
no longer do this.
2) Weapons that would sometimes continue to attack the target user after they
died should no longer do this.
3) Fixed parsing of item targets so that it won't match similar items and keys
when the item name is a longer match than the key name match
4) Added the forget command
5) Limited uses for keys now works
6) Fixed a follow bug that would allow you to follow anyone
7) The regeneration times for monsters have been randomized a little so merely
knowing when the monster was killed and what its regen time is will not be
enough to know when it will regenerate.
+ Version 1.1l - 8/10/97 +
1) Fixed the problem with quest abilities being given to users too many times
[including fixing existing users]
2) When limited items are sold to stores that don't actually keep them in
inventory they will no longer be registered as being in the room (and
hence will regenerate appropriately again). Sysops: Please run a fast-
offline-recovery after installing 1.1l
3) Removed a few of the bugs that would let you equip weapons which you
are not supposed to be able to (ie. due to evil status, etc.)
4) Due to the abuse of some of the bugs that have been fixed in this release,
all the powers gained from the Ice Sorceress quest, the Dark Druid quest,
the Champion of Blood quest, and the She-Dragon quest have been reset.
ALL players will have to complete these quests again to reap their benefits.
The Good, Neutral and Evil quests have NOT been affected and so will not
have to be redone.
Note that certain of the quests were completed in the past due to bugs and
this will force those users who don't deserve the abilities to
go and get them for real this time. :>
+ Version 1.1k - 7/26/97 +
1) Picklock will now display the same error regardless of the reason you fail.
2) Increased the chance of a monster attacking you when you're running away
from them (leaving the room)
3) Fixed another bug where you could determine if you were hiding successfully
or not
4) Experience percentage at high levels will now be more accurate.
5) Fixed calculations on a number of various attack protection abilities
+ Version 1.1j - 6/21/97 +
1) Monsters will now regenerate hit points properly (there were some
cases where they would not generate at the correct rate before)
2) Fixed the handling of several room commands so that they will work better
3) Mystics can no longer get the auto-casting features of a weapon which
they happen to be holding while punching, kicking, or jumpkicking.
4) Fixed the hangup penalty so that it should catch some PvP situations
which it did not before.
5) Area-effect spells which give evil points should now also obey PvP
level restrictionse...
6) It should be harder to wear items which you're not supposed to be
able to wear.
7) You can not use a to re-attack a hidden user
8) Area-effect attack spells should give attacked users a retaliation
period attack now.
9) If you are casting an auto-combat area-effect spell and new users
walk into your room (or you walk into theirs) and attacking them
should give you evil points then you will get evil points. Note
that this means that if you've already received evil points for
initiating the spell in the first place and a new user walks into
the room this means you get evil points again (the second time
for attacking the new user)
10) Fixed another bug where you could determine if you were sneaking
successfully or not
+ Version 1.1i - 3/16/97 +
1) Fixed a minor bug created in the last release related to monster
regeneration intervals
2) Some small cosmetic changes and misc. bug fixes
+ Version 1.1h - 2/8/97 +
1) Misc. minor bug fixes
2) Fixed a few things that would let you have almost unlimited negative
hit points without dying
3) Fixed some problems with time delays between monster generation in
the evenings
+ Version 1.1g - 1/4/97 +
1) Reset everyone's stats and force all users to train stats upon entry
into the game.
2) When guards send you to the slums or when you use a special room command
to move between rooms, anyone following you will stop following you.
+ Version 1.1f - 11/11/96 +
1) Added a whole bunch of new features to work with future add-on quests
2) Changed 'saint' status to something that can only be obtained through
a quest. 'good' is as far as you can get by just waiting it out.
3) Fixed the messages given when disarming traps, using up all item
charges, eating, drinking, summoning monsters, and a few other places
4) Fixed the way a number of spells worked on monsters so that more
spells will work properly on monsters
5) Mystics and Witchunters now have the ability to hit Magical creatures
6) When evil people die, they will not appear in the Silvermere Hall of
the Dead anymore
7) Increased level of NPC interaction
8) Non-damaging attack spells such as Confusion, Curse, Blind, Stun,
Slow (though monsters will ALWAYS get 1 attack at least) will all now
work on monsters. Try it. :)
9) When stats are reset due to overly-high values, any spells cast on the
user will also be terminated properly.
10) A bunch of little database patches to fix typos, etc.
+ Version 1.1e - 8/25/96 +
1) Fixed a few minor bugs related to various exit types
2) Fixed the last portion of the bug which still let you move one room after
being held by webbing or by being engulfed.
3) Area effect auto-combat spells now give the correct exp for kills
4) Fixed several minor bugs in various parts of the game
5) New experience tables (lower again)
+ Version 1.1d - 5/19/96 +
1) Modified the legal system:
- Attacks against GOOD and SAINT characters will result in 2 times
the evil points earned
- Attacks against LAWFUL characters will result in 3 times
the evil points earned (see next point for lawful description)
- SEEDY people are now fair game for attacks without earning
evil points (Note that any characters which were SEEDY before
this upgrade have been switched to NEUTRAL so they do not incur
too many additional attacks)
- If you have less than 0 Evil points (bottom half of neutral plus
good plus saint) and you do any action to earn evil points then
you will immediately go to 10 evil points regardless of your
current level.
2) When creating a new character, if your old character had 0 or
less EPs or it is your first character, you are given the option
of choosing a 'lawful' way of life. A character created in this
fashion will permanently have their evil warnings enabled.
Attacks against them will result in more evil points given
(see above). If your old character had more than 0 evil points
then you will not be given this option.
3) Robbing will now give you evil points. Every rob attempt will
give 1/10th of the amount of an attack. If you do not get caught
then a * will not be shown by your name so that you can try to
get away with it, but if the target thinks that you did it and
try to attack you then they can without getting evil points. If
you get caught then you will get a * shown beside your name during
the retaliation period. If, after robbing someone, you attack them
during the retaliation period then you will get the full attack
evil points and the retaliation period will be extended to the
normal. Unlike attacking, continued robbing attempts during
the retaliation period will incur additional evil points and
extend the retaliation period.
4) Various other little things
+ Version 1.1c - 4/21/96 +
1) Wrote some code to get around the Cheersoft globals (user listing
command) which cancels the channel polling routine rendering
commands like topten non-functional until you exitted and re-entered
+ Version 1.1b - 4/13/96 +
1) Fixed the use of weapons like flametongue so that you will not get
internal errors if you kill the monster with the weapon's additional
+ Version 1.1a - 4/6/96 +
1) When you die and the game cannot dispose of your items in the current
or surrounding rooms, it will now try to dispose of them in the
rooms you previously walked through.
2) Other various little things again
+ Version 1.1 - 4/1/96 +
1) Fixed the selling price on the really expensive items so that they
do not end up being cheaper than they should be
2) Various other little changes
+ Version 1.1 [beta] - 2/17/96 +
1) Fixed the bug which caused the random crashes in the 1/29/96 release
2) Characters who were hit with the massive stats bug will be reset to
+ Version 1.1 [beta] - 1/29/96 +
1) Fixed a bug where you got way too much when selling items to stores. It
will no longer take the stores markup into account when figuring out a
price for an item, just your charm.
2) Fixed the bug where monsters and items would randomly disappear and
reappear on some boards.
+ Version 1.1 [beta] - 1/14/96 +
1) If you get hit with a hold spell as you are moving out of a room, your
move should be cancelled, leaving you in the original room.
2) A bunch of internal tweaks which will hopefully get rid of some of the
random events which occur on some boards
3) Monsters should no longer cast the wrong area-effect spells
4) Hopefully found the problem which caused weird bank balances - it is
due to a specific series of events which is hard to duplicate, but I'm
pretty sure I got it this time.
5) That crazy casting of a different spell than the one you typed bug
should not happen anymore
+ Version 1.1 [beta] - 1/1/96 +
1) Saints can no longer use evil-aligned items, spells, etc.
2) Numerous small fixes
3) Items sold to shops will no longer disappear a few minutes after
selling them.
4) Limited items sold to shops will be able to be purchased back. Note that
there may be some items in shops currently which may not be purchased.
The game will slowly clean these up as people attempt to buy them.
+ Version 1.1 [beta] - 12/24/95 +
1) If you die in the middle of a move, you will no longer complete the move;
you will reappear in the appropriate location.
2) After picklocking a 'keyed' door, you can now open and close it properly
3) When hiding and sneaking, EACH attempt is a new roll to determine if you
are hiding/sneaking. This means that if you have a macro which does
sneak^Msneak^Msneak^Msneak^M, what might actually happen is that you
fail, succeed, succeed, fail and end up NOT SNEAKING. This will result
in people sneaking and hiding MUCH CLOSER to the actual percentage
chance that they are supposed to have and not always succeeding by
using macros as above.
4) Reduced the chance of monsters attacking you as you exit.
5) Area-effect evil spells should give evil points appropriately
6) In multi-room arenas, when you die, you keep the HP you had when you
entered the first arena room, not just the one you die in.
7) You must have at least 50% of your HP to enter a PVP arena
8) Better! Faster! Lower Experience tables!
9) You can now go into drag mode by merely typing DRAG - you don't
have to specify a direction immediately. Once in drag mode, you just
walk around normally and you will drag the target user. Type DRAG by
itself to turn off drag mode.
10) Many profile options are now permanent between characters (ie. after
a reroll, you do not have to reset things like your colour palette)
11) If your board is configured to force you to keep only a percentage
of your EP's after a reroll, you can now only do that once per day -
after that you will keep 100% of your evil points until the next day.
12) When you reroll now, you will keep some of your experience. This will
make it easier to switch races and classes without losing all of your
time invested. You can turn this off using the SET KEEP profile
toggle or SET KEEP ON/OFF.
13) Some area-effect spells can now be resisted
14) Mystics can invoke powers just by typing the power name now
15) Monsters should move randomly more often
16) Target matching when eating, drinking, or lighting should only match
items of the correct type
17) You should no longer be able to attack your charmed monster to get
it to attack itself.
18) When you attack your charmed monster, as well as merely breaking the
charm on the monster, the spell will now also be removed from it.
19) When picking a target for your attacks, if you have a charmed monster
it will be picked last.
20) When attempting to sneak or hide, your charmed monster will not be
considered as a disadvantage.
21) If you have more than one of a cursed item, and you are wearing one
of them and you attempt to drop/hide/give away the other cursed item
you will no longer be stopped.
22) When you light an item, or when it runs out of charges, both you and
the room will be told of the event.
23) When inviting members to your gang, they no longer have to be in the
same room as you.
24) If levels of difference to allow pvp combat is set, and a player
who is greater than that many levels lower than a fiend attacks the
fiend, they will be allowed to attack, and the fiend can attack back
while the evil timer is going on.
25) Profile options with only two options will now work as a toggle as well
26) Action commands will now terminate hiding or sneaking
27) Magical monsters may only be attacked with magical weapons of a
greater magical potency than the monster
28) Added the SET STYLE command to choose between technical and fantasy
messages. Currently this only affects the WHO/SCAN listing.
29) Added the GOSSIP command to send a message to everyone (The Block
Entrance message profile option will disable these messages)
30) If you are invited to a gang while you are in one, you can now leave
the first one and still keep the invitation to the second one.
31) New profile option: SET GANG to toggle the display of all gang members
or only Online gang members for the BG command.
32) You can no longer look at items in stores which are not in stock
33) New command: APPRAISE - which will tell you how much you could
sell an item for at the shop you are in.
34) Changed gossip so that it is now turned on/off with SET GOSSIP (Use
PROFILE to view your current settings)
35) During any timed retailiation period, you may not enter either a
protected room or a colliseum/arena (PvP combat zone). This is done
to stop people from attacking and then running to safety so they can't
be attacked back.
36) Saints and Good players get more EPs when they do evil actions. You
can no longer move towards 'good' until after level 3. The best
reputation possible is just past saint - no matter how long you stay
at saint, only a simple attack will bring you down out of saint.
37) Added an AUCTION command - same as gossip, but with its own flag
(ie. SET AUCTION to toggle auction messages on and off)
38) People with GOSSIP turned off will show with an 'x' in the scan/who list
39) If you successfully sneak out of a room monsters will no longer
follow you automatically
40) Area-effect attack spells will now work in auto-combat mode. Note that
with an area-effect auto-combat spell you get Evil Points for EACH cast
of the spell (if applicable) and not only for the first cast. Also
note that you must manually BREAK combat to stop autocombat of an area
effect spell (There are a few situations which will break auto-combat
of an area-spell, but merely killing someone/something is not one of
41) Lowered the total number of evil points which may be obtained and
reduced the ranges of each evil level. Made archons (templars, etc.)
go after both villains and fiends now, with lightning only hitting
fiends. Note that all players will be adjusted to the start of whatever
evil level they are currently at under the new number ranges (ie. a
villain under the old system will now be just before the start of a
villain under the new system.) Also, more EPs are now deducted each
day for the per-usage time (instead of 1 extra per 2 hours, it is now
1 extra per hour played). The per-hour deductions are still only
applied if you do NO evil actions. They are also now limited to a max
of 12 EPs deducted each day.
42) Added a purge command which will purge a spell from your spellbook.
You must type the full command 'PURGE' to use this as there is no
undo. Once you have purged a spell, you must repurchase the scroll
to relearn the spell.
43) More of the cheaper items will now disappear from rooms at cleanup.
44) For items which can be 'USE'd and 'worn' - you now must be wearing the
item to be able to use it.
45) Added support for monsters to cast area-effect spells
46) Spells with multiple remove-spell ability values on them will work now.
47) Enhanced the logic to determine when you are allowed to sneak to allow
it under more conditions than previously
48) Enhanced the use of keys on locks. You may NO LONGER just walk through
the door with a key. You must USE KEY direction and then OPEN direction
to unlock and open the door.
49) Added the commands SET STATLINE CUSTOM xxx and
SET STATLINE FULL CUSTOM xxx (enter displays a short room desc).
The xxx can be up to 60 characters long and may include spaces, etc.
You may include the following variables in xxx:
%h - current hit points
%H - max hit points.
%m - current mana
%M - max mana
%c - current wealth on hand
%x - current experience
%X - experience to next level
%r - resting flag " (Resting) " when resting
%fn - set foreground colour (n = 0-7)
%bn - set background colour (n = 0-7)
%B - bold
%N - normal
%U - underline
%L - blink
%R - reverse
50) Added a SET GENDER command. Note that this MAY cost you
up to 32000 gold or may not be allowed at all. Your sysop can
determine how much it will
cost and the only way to find out how much is to take the risk and do
it. You can't know what it will be like until you do it.
51) Appraise by itself will no longer display what other people type.
52) Area-effect auto-combat spells will now give evil points for initiating
combat in the same manner as auto-combat single-target spells.
53) Even more changes to stealth, attack, backstab, and other formulas
54) You should now only be able to wear 2 rings at a time
55) Level restrictions on area effect spells should not apply in the
PVP arenas
56) Well over 1500 new rooms
57) Many new monsters
58) Hundreds of new spells and items
59) Balancing of all the classes
60) Players are able to train past level 20
61) Many other unlisted changes
+ Version 1.0z - 6/30/95 +
1) Guards will now attack outlaws as well, but will stop once they hit
0 hit points.
2) Enhanced the display of spellcasting results
3) Reduced the chance of templars coming after you.
4) You will no longer get evil points for attacking a monster which is
attacking you (ie. Templars, etc.)
5) Remove curse spells will remove cursed items which you are wearing
6) Added a confirmation prompt on disbanding a gang
7) Mystics can train in their training hall to learn new powers which
have been created for them at lower levels even when they don't have
experience to train to the next level (assuming that there are new
spells for them at lower levels which they do not already know)
8) Level restrictions are not applied in practice arenas
9) When leaving a practice arena, all combat related to you is broken
10) All spells cast on a user who dies in a practice arena should be removed
11) If you learn a neutral or good spell and subsequently turn evil, you
will no longer be able to cast the good/neutral spell, even though it
will remain in your spellbook
12) Added directed messages (ie. >dog hi there) [Only to visible people in
the same room as you]
13) Added a recharge-at-cleanup ability which allows items to have a
certain number of charges per day.
14) Some cleanup related to area effect spells
15) Tons of little things
16) Note to sneakers: (sneaking) is no longer displayed in the look command
and sneaking users are displayed when a statline full user presses enter
17) Spells cast on hidden users will no longer give numerous times the
desired effect.
18) Spells which give evil points for casting will no longer continue to
cast after a warning message is given to those with 'set warning on'
19) A user with 'hold-person' cast upon them can no longer follow in a party
20) The cases where you would cast one spell but end up casting a different
spell should no longer occur.
21) New ability to remove a specific spell vs. the existing ability which
removes all spells with a given ability.
22) Players with spells like 'turn' should be able to 'turn' items without
the game attempting to cast their turn spell.
23) New ability to alter the rate at which you heal (including during rest)
24) Added a %chance that automatically used abilities/cast spells based on
a weapon attack will be used (instead of the current 100% chance)
25) New ability to be able to negate the value of another ability for the
duration of the negating spell.
26) Once you have progressed too far to the evil side, you may no longer do
any evil actions until you have lost enough evil points.
27) Increased support for traps
+ Version 1.0y - 3/24/95 +
1) Played with guards and mercenaries a bit
2) Matching for attacking will not include yourself (as well as matching
for many other commands in which you are not a valid target)
3) Matching when looking while in combat will attempt to match against
whatever/whomever you are attacking before giving a list of options
4) Numerous misc. little adjustments which I won't list because it would
take me longer to list them than it did to change them
5) Rewrote the method in which a new character's name is validated against
existing characters and existing monsters so that it will not pause
the entire BBS while checking.
6) Started making some adjustments to reduce the unfair stealth BS attacks
7) Started playing with colour palettes because some users want one set
of dim colours while others want the bright ones.
Try the SET PALETTE {0/1/2/3} command. Not much is implemented yet though.
0 is a medium palette (new colours), 1 is a dim palette (new colours),
and 2 is bold palette (old colours), 3 is combo of 0, 2
For any future comments regarding colours, PLEASE indicate the palette
which you are using.
8) Spells which are supposed to have a negative effect should work now
9) Wearing a new item should no longer auto-remove a cursed one
10) Hot and cold defense against Monster's spells should work now
11) You should be able to use items again
12) You may no longer exit from a protected room (to avoid people running
away to a protected room and then exitting)
+ Version 1.0x - 2/18/95 +
1) Fixed the handling of cursed and major-cursed items
2) Cleaned up some of the monster attack methods
3) A lot of work on matching targets for all commands (ie players, monsters,
items in inventory, items on the floor, spells). I've attempted to
catch duplicates and give a list of options instead of picking the first
one to partially match. This affects a LOT of the game, so please send
detailed email to me (Lance@wcc) if you find weird cases due to not
being able to pick your target properly for any command.
4) Auto-cast spells linked to weapons should work more often now
5) Added in some more room checking for the one user who managed to end up
in a non-existant room. MMUD will now place the user in the same room
which you normally show up in after death if their room doesn't exist.
6) Cleaned up the suicide and death code with respect to dropping items
7) Some internal cleanup which will hopefully improve performance
8) Fixed the cleanup routines so that items on the ground maintain the
correct charge level
9) Shockshield spells should now work properly.
10) Alpha release of the offline recovery utility
11) Gang leaders can now uninvite users who are not online (Their EXACT
name must be used to do this)
12) Worked on the support for storing multiples of an item in a room which
exceed the current item limit. The total distinct items remains the
same, but a room should support hundreds of a single item (if it is
not an item which has a set number of charges). This is another one of
those dangerous changes, so if you find anything funny, please report
it asap. In addition, this will only affect new items dropped in a room
so if there is currently a room with 12 torches in it, they will be
treated as 12 separate items until someone picks them up and drops them
13) Fixed up bugs in shockshield and in matching player names (ie for drag)
14) Made the target matching for spells depend upon the legal targets for
the given spell (ie a spell which can only be cast upon a player should
not attempt a match against an item or another monster)
15) Enhanced the area effect spells to support a wider variety of targetting
(ie Some spells will only affect your party, some only those not in your
party, etc.)
16) Spellcasters should not have to kill auto-combat twice now when they
kill a user/monster
17) The room is informed for more user events now
+ Version 1.0w - 1/28/95 +
1) Re-enabled opening doors during combat (only opening)
2) Double-checked the charge on items when entering the game to ensure
that old 'unlimited use' potions no longer have unlimited uses.
3) Fixed the support for class-specific level titles so it works again.
4) Fixed the reverse background so that it doesn't flash on some term progs
5) Weapons which auto-cast spells will not repeat casting 25 times
6) Switching attack types while in auto-combat is allowed now
7) If you die while dragging a user, the user you are dragging should not
show up in the reincarnation room with you.
8) Monsters killed as a result of a spell, a lingering effect, or another
monster will now give exp to all users in combat with it at the time of
9) Misc. minor adjustments
10) The levels difference to disable attacking now also applies to robbing
11) Evil combat spells will only give evil points when attacking good or
lawfull good monsters
12) Dropping keys should properly update your weight now
13) Keys may be stolen now
14) Worked on support for a demo version
+ Version 1.0v - 1/9/95 +
1) Fixed a bug relating to dying with a light lit. This could cause some
of the problems related to items disappearing and to not being able
to re-light other items.
2) Disabled opening, closing, and locking doors or gates during combat
3) Wrote a work-around so that the MajorJail /arrest command should no
longer cause duplicate items in MajorMUD
4) If you get cutoff due to a change in class or an expired time per day
then it should no longer treat it as though you hung up (and therefore
it should not penalize you)
5) The share command includes yourself now.
6) You can no longer look at hidden items until they have been searched for
and found.
+ Version 1.0u - 1/2/95 +
1) Minor changes - mostly fixed some sysop CNF options
+ Version 1.0t - 1/2/95 +
1) Added a SHARE [optional: WITH ROOM/WITH PARTY]
command to share some money by default with all the members of your
party and optionally with everyone in the room.
2) Added a WEALTH command. It just displays your monetary situation.
3) You can no longer Search while it is dark.
4) Added a SET RESPONSE [BRIEF/VERBOSE] command so that you can turn
off the 'you said ...' when you are talking
+ Version 1.0s - 1/1/95 +
1) Fixed the exp so that all people in combat with the monster share the
exp again
+ Version 1.0r - 12/31/94 +
1) Re-fixed the duplication bug with respect to training stats and waiting
to switch classes before exiting.
2) Mystics should be able to invoke KAI powers by merely typing the short
name (as magic users can cast using the short name)
3) Casting or Invoking may be done using the full spell/power name if
specified as part of the full command (ie including 'cast' or 'invoke')
4) Enabled all global commands while in the MMUD menu
5) LEAVE GANG will leave your gang first instead of attempting to leave
your party first.
6) When you die with a light item lit, you no longer keep the light.
7) The REMOVE command will now remove weapons as well (note that DISARM
still works)
8) When reading signs longer than a page, the screen should pause properly
9) When a monster is killed, all users in autocombat with it should break
combat immediately
10) You may no longer search while blind
11) CPs should be properly adjusted for all characters. You may have to
train stats twice to see a change (if you have an old character)
12) Fixed several areas where random numbers would never hit their maximum
13) Reduced the experience charts a bit more
14) Fixed the bug which caused most dispell magic activities to fail
(ie cure blind, cure poison)
15) Other little things too small to note in detail
+ Version 1.0q - 12/29/94 +
1) Fixed the duplication bug related to using guest access accounts to
play previously created characters.
2) Some colour changes.
+ Version 1.0p - 12/26/94 +
1) BSing, switching weapons, and re-attacking will no longer BS with
invalid (normally non-BS) weapons.
2) Added more information to the sysop release notes - sysops: Please
re-read these notes looking for new additions.
3) Light should not remain after death
4) Poison should no longer be cumulative and should be removed properly
+ Version 1.0o - 12/14/94 +
1) Spells which are supposed to ONLY work on animals will now work
2) If you look "dir" or look "user" while hidden, it won't tell the room or
the target user. Also, it won't check for the monster to come into your
room when you see it in the next room.
3) Credit scamming has been fixed so users get kicked out when they run out
of credits.
4) Adjusted attacking with respect to sneaking, hiding, re-attacking
5) Resting is now broken more appropriately when you attempt certain commands
6) Monster's poison will now work properly (and poison immunity will work)
7) The BG command should now display all members of the gang, even on boards
with over 500 users who play MMUD.
+ Version 1.0n - 12/02/94 +
1) Ensured that starting characters get their random hp portion at level 1
2) Reduced the chance that less agressive monsters will wander
3) Reworked the backstab formulas
4) Modified the way in which combat attacks are performed
5) Numerous little adjustments
+ Version 1.0m - 12/01/94 +
1) Some tweaks to the attack formulas and the spellcasting/mana formulas
+ Version 1.0l - 11/30/94 +
1) Fixed some of the spell abilities so that you won't do 300-400 damage
when you have certain spells cast anymore
2) Mystic jumpkicks and kicks will continue past the first round instead
of switching to normal attacks.
3) Adjusted the mana and spellcasting formulas
+ Version 1.0k - 11/24/94 +
1) Some general cleanup and some more performance adjustments
2) Charmed monsters should now attack other monsters (again) if you are
attacking another monster (ie they will attack whatever you attack)
3) Adjusted the support for area spells to recognize some of the new
types which had not previously been supported but where used for
some area spells.
+ Version 1.0j - 11/20/94 +
1) Some cleanup of the recovery logic done in 1.0i to handle systems with
1000's of active monsters efficiently
2) When you attack GOOD and LAWFULL GOOD monsters you will get evil points
3) With time and good behaviour, it is now possible to go to GOOD
+ Version 1.0i - 11/19/94 +
1) Played around with the monster generation routines to ensure that
quest monsters generate appropriately (as they used to) [Modified
recovery mode to help fix any existing databases which are out of sync]
2) Modified recovery mode so that it will get rid of the duplicate
specific monsters if they exist.
3) Adjusted combat formulas
+ Version 1.0h - 11/16/94 +
1) You may now drag and aid someone at 0 hp
2) Modified initialization to work in the background for the first few
minutes after the bbs starts up. This will result in the initialization
taking longer, but the board will be usable (with a high load) as soon
as all the modules are initialized. Added a new option, INITRATE which
indicates the size of each chunk of work done during initialization.
3) Added a new sysop command: SYSOP INITIALIZE {rate} [RECOVER] which
will restart the recovery cycle with the given rate and optionally
in recovery mode. This can be used to determine the optimal rate
to set your CNF option to, or it can be used merely to ensure that
all of your monster settings are correct. NOTE that the RECOVER option
should not normally be done with any users in the game (aside from the
sysop entering the command - grin)
4) Added a new CNF option POLLRATE to adjust the rate of polling saves.
Please read the sysop release note for more information regarding the
5) Shops will regenerate items properly when crossing midnight.
6) Some performance adjustments related to the way abilities are processed.
The abilities adjusted are see-hidden, blind-user, paralze,
defence-modifier, protective-shield, alter-energy-usage,
alter-dr-by-percent, alter-damage-resistance, alter-critical-hit-chance
7) Fixed the profanity checking so that it works (sorry about that) and
changed the default value to NO profanity checking.
8) Fixed the bug where magery-level 2 was not getting any more mana than
magery-level 1. This will be retroactively applied to existing chars.
+ Version 1.0g - 11/13/94 +
1) Some cleanup of changes made in 1.0f (such as makeing timed routines
more accurate)
2) Removed the limit which stopped level 1 players from dropping copper
+ Version 1.0f - 11/11/94 +
1) Rewrote the recovery logic after a board crash so that it should run a
lot faster because it doesn't cycle through the active monsters more
than once. The recovery process should now take only a few minutes
although if you find that your board crashes often and takes too
long to recover, then I would recommend increasing the size of your
room buffers. Renamed flag file to wccrecov.flg
2) Given this new discovery about rtkick routines, I realized that I
am actually using the rtkick for a number of different things. In fact,
if there were 30 people in MUD and they are all in auto-combat and you
have other modules on your system which use timer routines, then there
has always been the possibility of a freeze as we started experiencing
recently. I have modified the attack routines so that this is no longer
the case.
3) grin - Ok, while I was at it, I wrote my own kick routine so that
the game only uses one kick timer for the background activity
4) You can no longer cast spells during combat
5) Spell-shops will now tell you if you can use a given scroll
+ Version 1.0e - 11/09/94 +
1) Going on the theory that the BBS has an undocumented (or documented
somewhere I haven't looked) limit on the number of background timed
events which may exist, I restructured the way some background events
are done (specifically the restocking of stores). This will greatly
reduce the total number of background-timer events which are created.
+ Version 1.0d - 11/08/94 +
1) Even more error-checking added
2) Fixed a bug where I was calling memset instead of setmem and therefore
potentially overwriting some memory
3) Added obsessive type-casting on numerous function calls
4) A few weeks ago I modified some low level routines to use what is known
as a 'volatile data area' of memory. One of the requirements for
using this is not to use it during initialization. I just found a
routine which is called by initialization which nests down and
eventually calls this low-level routine and uses this memory incorrectly.
I've changed the startup so that instead of performing all of the
initialization during the initialization routine, I perform it 1 second
after the initialization is completed. What this means is that until
I decide to write it a different way, when your board starts up, your
initialization will 'complete' and then almost immediately your disk
will start working really hard (grin) and you will not be able to type.
Basically, I've moved this initialization step outside of the
initialization routine.
5) Fixed the code which places items in rooms at startup so that it will
work again
+ Version 1.0c - 11/07/94 +
1) More code-checks looking for possible infinite loops
2) Switched back to Borland C++ v3.1 (I've been using BC 4.0 since last
January and I haven't had any problems, but it can't hurt to move
back to BC 3.1 because that's what the BBS is built under)
3) Added checks so that all the recovery logic I put into version 1.0b
will only occur if the board does not shutdown properly because the
recovery was taking up to 1/2 hour to perform
+ Version 1.0b - 11/06/94 +
1) Experience command will display experience required for next level
2) Monsters who have items will no longer avoid you, will no longer
appear as 'shadowy figures', etc. (Small little bug, big effect)
3) Added some profanity level checking
4) Added recovery logic at startup to handle situations where a
specifically placed monster gets out of sync and therefore would
not otherwise regenerate
5) Added more recovery logic for all room-counts of monsters generated
per room to ensure that it is correct upon startup.
+ Version 1.0a - 11/05/94 +
1) Changed some potential loops which could run for an extended period of
time under some rare circumstances effectively freezing the board
+ Version 1.0 - 11/04/94 +
1) First Official non-Beta release
+ Version 0.5j - 11/02/94 +
1) Some minor cleanup (ie. read will let you read both signs and scrolls)
+ Version 0.5i - 11/01/94 +
1) Auto-use abilities on weapons will not be applied if target is already
dead due to the regular attack
2) Removed level 1 restrictions to reflect the new starting location.
3) Adjusted the text displayed when casting area-effect spells to attempt
to remove the duplication in messages.
4) Auto-cast spells applied via an item (used or attacked with) will no
longer fail
5) Spells which should not work against non-living or animal type monsters
will no longer work
+ Version 0.5h - 10/31/94 +
1) Fixed monsters so that they continue attacking longer after a minor
bug in the last release which caused them to stop after the first round
2) Adjusted the HP calculations to fix old characters HP and to accommodate
new methods for calculating random portions of HP/level
3) If you are in a party and resting, the resting will be cancelled when
the leader moves.
4) Modified the top command so that systems with hundreds of users
can increase the maximum number of top users to view without causing
system pauses.
5) Fixed the give command so that it shouldn't give the wrong item as it
was doing under certain circumstances
6) Non-combat spells which give you evil points will no longer be castable
in protected rooms.
7) Modified spellcasting formula to even out the increase in the stat and
to reflect the true value of the stat with lower basic stats
8) Fixed the telepath command
+ Version 0.5g - 10/30/94 +
1) Added a maximum level modifier for spells so lower level spells don't
get ridiculously powerful
2) Cleaned up the messages displayed to the target when a spell is cast
3) Modified the starting location for new players
4) Reduced the overhead of some of the frequently executed background events
5) Added a rest command which will increase your HP regeneration
+ Version 0.5f - 10/30/94 +
1) Some more preventative code cleanup
2) Include experience in topten list
3) If you walk away from a party, you will automatically leave it
4) Spells doing reverse damage will work again
5) Increased encumbrance percentages before going heavy
6) Enhanced documentation of SYSOP commands
7) Added the (I)nformation option to the main menu
8) Sorted the display of your spell list by level order
9) Enhanced the training to display some more information
10) Modified exp/level and hp/level to also be affected by your race.
+ Version 0.5e - 10/28/94 +
1) More code cleanup.
+ Version 0.5d - 10/27/94 +
1) Fixed monster wandering so they don't run away from you all the time
2) When the last person leaves your party, you should return to no rank
3) Worked on charmed monsters so they stay charmed longer
4) Added "BUY CURING" to the temple to cure from poison
5) Made some changes to the way spell messages are displayed to provide
greater flexibility
6) Fixed the bug where new characters who rerolled ended up majorly evil
7) When an attacker takes damage from a damaging shield, they will get a
message telling them about it now.
8) Weapons may now have two sets of abilites - one which may be activated
upon a successful attack and one which can be activated by using the
+ Version 0.5c - 10/26/94 +
1) Worked on keeping track of limited items so that they don't disappear
when they shouldn't disappear
2) Fixed some other potential problems with memory
3) Fixed the cure-poison bug which hung up on you :)
+ Version 0.5b - 10/24/94 +
1) Fixed the bug in the limited-reindex related to deleting records
2) Fixed the background saving to ensure modified items are saved
3) Modified the delete user account routine so that when a bbs user
is deleted, all of the MMUD related stuff will be deleted as well.
+ Version 0.5a - 10/24/94 +
1) Some minor spell cleanup re messages given
2) Adjusted the way limited items are treated when a user hangs up
3) Wrote a limited-items re-indexing routine to ensure that all limited
items are accounted for properly in case of other bugs losing them :)
4) Wrote a routine to walk through all of the MajorMUD users and confirm
that the BBS user accounts still exist.
5) Fixed the bug which caused characters to not save after training stats
+ Version 0.4z - 10/24/94 +
1) Fixed specific shops to sell items of any level if specified in shop
2) Fixed the online update to add data properly in addition to changing
+ Version 0.4y - 10/23/94 +
1) Enhanced the use of poison to have both permanent poison and duration
poison (both of which can be cured with cure poison and are immune with
immune poison)
2) In addition to being able to "use 'weapon' 'target'", added the ability
to have a weapon automatically perform special abilities upon
successfull attacks with the weapon
3) Enhanced the support for one-time-cast spells which are auto-activated
when an item is used.
4) Tons of work on abilities (don't ask which ones... You'll see them as
new spells are created)
+ Version 0.4x - 10/22/94 +
1) Monster spellcasting supports monster duration/level spell modifiers
2) Provided support for a variety of messages when an item disappears
from your inventory due to running out of charges
3) Cleaned up more abilities
4) Added support for an area-specific room in which you will be reincarnated
5) You can no longer cast spells while unconscious
+ Version 0.4w - 10/22/94 +
1) Added a SAVEKEY sysop option to give sysops the option of allowing
guest users to play the game without saving their characters.
2) Moved level99 options from the WCCMMUD.MSG file into WCCTEXT.MSG to
support the gradual moving of hard-coded text into a message file.
3) Added a MAILUSER sysop option to send copies of all MMUD generated
mail to a local user as defined by the MAILUSER option.
4) Fixed a few more of the methods to find hidden players illegally
+ Version 0.4v - 10/21/94 +
1) Fixed use of multi-valued spells (multi-ability spells)
2) Added resistance abilities against hot, cold, stone, and lightning spells
3) Restrict monster spell casting per round to become even with users
4) Added support for spells to shatter weapons (and quality weapons which
cannot be shatterred)
5) You can no longer find hidden people by casting a spell on them
6) You can no longer find hidden people by inviting them
7) Added a SYSOP DISBAND gang command
8) Added and updated even more abilities
+ Version 0.4u - 10/20/94 +
1) Fixed the restocking logic in shops
2) Added and Updated some abilities
+ Version 0.4t - 10/16/94 +
1) Continued work on online database update utility
2) Fixed problem with restocking some items in limited-quantity stores
3) Added more logic to keep track of the location of limited items
4) Modified the clearing evil points routine (for boards who are resetting)
so that it works as a polling routine (i.e. low system overhead)
+ Version 0.4s - 10/12/94 +
1) Fixed that d#$ned casting attack spells in protected rooms again :(
2) Fixed the bug where you could initiate combat, follow into a protected
room, and then chase after your target when they leave and get a bunch
of attacks grouped together.
3) Fixed the messages displayed when an area effect spell is cast.
4) Added support for placed items in rooms which will regenerate when
the first item generated disappears
5) If a spell has a short name, you must type it completely to cast it -
you may no longer type portions of the long spell name.
6) Started adding support for users to gain abilities attached to their
characters as they progress through the game
7) Added support for fixed ability values on a spell in addition to the
variable ones (for spells with multiple abilities - grin)
+ Version 0.4r - 9/25/94 +
1) First set of complete formula rewrites
+ Version 0.4q - 9/25/94 +
1) Added a QUIT command in addition to the regular X to leave the game
2) If a help topic is longer than a screen, it should pause now
3) Fixed the party command so that it displays the party members :)
4) Failed bashes against doors should only tell you once
5) Hopefully fixed the bug where some items would randomly change to other
items when they were dropped or picked up.
6) Worked on adding more abilities for use in creating spells, etc.
7) Disabled casting spells in protected rooms again
8) First draft of online update utility for database patches (sysops: please
heed the warning off the sysop-menu and do not use this yet - grin)
9) Enabled searching when YOU are not in auto-combat (or auto-cast)
+ Version 0.4p - 9/17/94 +
1) Added some sysop commands to help those boards who are resetting to
clear all of the stored evil points.
2) Enhanced the logic which determines when autocombat breaks so that
autocombat will stay on slightly longer when chasing someone. Also
discovered that auto-casting would break much too early and fixed that.
3) Messages to the room when you drop or pickup something are low priority
+ Version 0.4o - 9/14/94 +
1) Fixed some minor bugs in a few of the new 0.4n changes
2) You must search for and find a hidden item prior to being able to get it.
3) Disabled the train stats command if any of your stats are altered (i.e.
if you currently have a bard spell cast upon you)
4) Cleaned up the messages given when bashing open doors and normal exits
5) Made the who command display in a random order
6) If you are following someone who goes through an exit which you can not
go through, you will stop following them.
7) Added a check to stop you from making a bank deposit which would roll
your account back to 0
8) You may now only train stats in your training room
9) Added more error checking/reporting related to all database access to
attempt to either stop or catch the bug which has caused 2 unresolved
database errors so far.
10) When a monster kills a user, it should tell the correct room now
11) If a mystic attacks with no weapon, it will be treated as a punch
+ Version 0.4n - 9/11/94 +
1) Disabled the GUARD command
2) Fixed the bug that caused movement to be slower the faster you typed :)
(ie. movement is FASTER now)
3) Cut the pause in half when typing SNEAK
4) Added a SET SPEECH command which toggles fast and slow talking
5) Major rework on monster attacking to provide support for multiple
attack types for each monster (including spellcasting for monsters).
6) Fixed some monster regeneration bugs which caused some monsters to
stop regenerating completely.
7) Hopefully fixed the looking through open doors bug
8) Added a GET "currency" command which will pick up all of the VISIBLE
specified currency in the room. eg. GET GOLD will get all of the
visible gold.
9) Classes which should not have the following abilities will no longer
get them at higher levels: Stealth, Dodge, Thievery, Find Traps,
Picklocks, Tracking
10) When you attempt to follow someone who has not invited you, it will
no longer tell the person that you made the attempt.
11) When a user falls to the ground unconscious, it should tell the room now
12) If there is no exit in a particular direction, you will not get a
delay when attempting to move in that direction. If there is an exit
which you may not go through, then you will still get a pause (ie.
a locked door will still pause because it is the time you spent
attempting to open it)
13) If you attempt to wear an item on a body location on which you are
already wearing an item, the first item will be automatically removed.
Note that this will not auto-disarm a two-handed weapon if you attempt
to wear an off-hand item such as a shield.
14) You may now cast a spell without typing 'cast' before the spell name.
Note that you can still use 'cast', and if you type cast by itself it
will still go into re-casting mode as before.
15) Added support for a short alternative casting name for each spell
16) Hopefully fixed the drag bug related to dying while being dragged
17) Added support for monster sex (he/she/it)
18) Added support for spells to last longer as the caster's level increases
19) Added support for more variety in titles on a per class per level basis
plus added support for different male/female titles
20) Added support for help at the Race and Class prompts when creating a
new character (using help or ?)
21) Added support for monsters and npcs to randomly say things
22) Added a CNF configurable option for the percentage of evil points which
are retained after a final death.
+ Version 0.4m - 8/21/94 +
1) Added a midrank command.
2) Added a SET ENTRANCES "On/Off" command to disable the global entrance
and exit messages whenever someone enters or exits the game.
3) Whenever you enter the game, your weight carried is adjusted to ensure
that you have a resolution in case there are future weight bugs.
4) When you die, and all of your items/keys drop to the ground, if the
room is full, it will attempt to hide the item, and then to drop it in
an adjacent room.
+ Version 0.4l - 8/14/94 +
1) Modified the handling of global commands so that the FastPace globals
will work with the game again.
2) Worked on some of the background processing to try to reduce system load
+ Version 0.4k - 8/8/94 +
1) Automatically reset CPs and Stats if user has taken advantage of a bug
which ended up raising their stats and giving them negative CP
+ Version 0.4j - 8/7/94 +
1) Started work on the messaging level profile option
(SET MESSAGE (High/Medium/Low) -- Only Low currently makes a difference)
2) When you give money to another user, both users are auto-saved
3) Started adding logic to disallow specific global commands in the game
+ Version 0.4i - 8/1/94 +
1) If another module assumes that a message file is open, MajorMUD will
now restore the message file state so that the other modules error will
no longer appear as a problem with MajorMUD.
2) Fixed the gang bugs when creating or disbanding
3) Started to add support for limiting the number of a particular item in
the game (will enable more regenerative monsters in the future)
4) When you die, if you have money in the bank, you will not be given more.
5) Started implementing the specific counts of items in stores
+ Version 0.4h - 7/28/94 +
1) When a party leader types a direction instead of an action command,
the entire party will no longer move through the action exit.
2) Worked on support for spells to increase your maximum allowable weight
3) Added a FORGIVE user command which will remove the evil points gained
by the person you are forgiving if they recently attacked you.
4) Enhanced the way monsters follow users so that they will not necessarily
follow a user forever.
5) Reduced the chance of a monster getting an 'instant' attack when you
enter a room.
+ Version 0.4g - 7/27/94 +
1) More work on monster generation
2) Added a SET TELEPATH ON/OFF command to disable receipt of telepaths
3) Ensured that the effects of spells are properly removed when you die
4) Fixed the bankbook command when not in a bank
5) Pressing "ENTER" with a full statline should not display hidden people
6) Worked on fixing the support for potions
+ Version 0.4f - 7/24/94 +
1) Different debugging stuff added :)
+ Version 0.4e - 7/18/94 +
1) More work on exit types
2) More work on monster generation and monster areas
3) You can now 'USE KEY "dir"' to unlock a keyed door
4) TOPTEN will now only work for up to 10 users, top gang as well
5) Monsters will no longer follow sneaking users
6) Cleaned up the type ahead buffers so the keystrokes don't echo until
they are actually being entered.
7) Increased evil points gained when backstabbing.
8) If you are not allowed to use or equip an item, you will still be allowed
to pick it up and sell it.
+ Version 0.4d - 7/13/94 +
1) Took out some debugging stuff
+ Version 0.4c - 7/13/94 +
1) More modifications to abilities for spells, etc.
2) Modified the way party members follow their leader
3) Modified the entry of commands to make it easier to script the game
4) Some minor adjustments
+ Version 0.4b - 7/08/94 +
1) When you LOOK "dir", you will now see if a monster comes into your room
2) You can no longer re-initiate auto-combat using (A) or (C) if your
previous target is not in the same room as you.
3) Casting a spell during the same round will no longer use up mana when
it tells you that you've already cast a spell.
4) Inviting someone to your gang multiple times will not increase the
number of members incorrectly anymore.
5) Lanterns won't work forever anymore - Also, you must 'LIGHT' light items
6) Added a SET WARNING "on/off" command which will warn you if you are
about to do something which will give you evil points and will stop
you from doing it. For now, you must turn warnings OFF to be able to
perform evil acts. (Note that there is still a chance that you might
not get told {grin} - You can't _always_ be warned.)
7) Major rework in the handling of spells and abilities.
+ Version 0.4a - 7/03/94 +
1) Assorted small changes (eg. you can now uninvite someone before they
follow you)
2) For sysops: Added NOPLAYKY in CNF options
3) For sysops: Added PUNHUP in CNF options - level of punishment for
dropping carrier while in the game.
4) First draft of room-specific command support.
5) Enhanced monster generation logic
+ Version 0.3o - 6/25/94 +
1) You may now hangup in the MUD Menu without being treated as though you
hung up while in the game.
2) Fixed the TOP GANG command so that it will order based on Gang Experience
Unfortunately, this was due to an incorrectly defined database, so all
the gangs had to be deleted. [sorry]
3) It will now tell you that you were penalized when you login again after
hanging up or disconnecting while playing the game.
4) You will no longer 'dodge' an attack when you are unconscious.
5) You can no longer determine what a user doesn't have by attempting to rob.
6) If you BS when you're not hidden/sneaking, it will appear as though you
are backstabbing, but will act as a normal attack.
7) You may no longer GIVE to hidden users.
8) Users who you may attack without getting evil points now show with a *
+ Version 0.3n - 6/25/94 +
1) Modified backstab formulas.
2) Gangs will now accumulate experience based on experience earned by
members while they are in the gang.
3) Modified random monster follow logic
4) Monsters will now resist spells in the same manner as users.
+ Version 0.3m - 6/24/94 +
1) Fixed the Bard songs which affect your stats so that you may not cast
them multiple times before the first one wears off
[Note to WCC users: I'm shocked that you didn't find this one!]
2) Added an appropriate delay when robbing. Also disabled all robbing
in protected rooms
3) LOOK "dir" will now give the same detail as moving (re: brief/verbose)
4) Each ring may only be worn once (and you can only wear 2)
5) Added the command LEAVE GANG to leave your gang.
6) Keys will now drop when you die/suicide
7) Modified the defence value for monsters when being backstabbed.
8) Potentially fixed the random bug where a monster would appear to gain an
extraordinary amount of health (it related to casting some spells)
9) Increased the penalties for dropping carrier (hanging up)
10) Modified monster generation a bit.
11) Fixed the jumpkick bug which would freeze the board. [Tech note for
those who care: a bug in a formula caused it to attempt a random number
greater than 3, but less than 2 - not possible {grin}]
+ Version 0.3l - 6/13/94 +
1) Fixed the bug reported by Gameland (thank you) which caused a GP during
background processing under certain conditions. [Technical point for
those who a) care and b) have the source code: usrnum was not being set
appropriately during the timed events and a call to hasmkey required
this value to be set appropriately... therefore GP... sometimes...]
2) hehe... even better... This was a performance problem. Eliminated the
unnecessary call to check for the key which was causing the crash above.
3) Added an UNINVITE MEMBER "user name" which will remove a user from your
gang. Also, modified so that the only other way to get out of the gang
is to reroll, or die your last life.
+ Version 0.3k - 6/12/94 +
1) Adjusted the monster generation logic to eliminate large concentrations
of monsters in one location
2) Changed the way in which 'time in the game' is calculated yet once more.
This time, it will not be succeptible to the varying granularity of the
time between saving users. Unfortunately, the first day you install this
release, your time reported in the game will be inaccurate.
3) The BG command will now properly display if the leader is in the game.
+ Version 0.3j - 6/11/94 +
1) Hopefully fixed the "invalid pointer" errors in monster messages
2) Added a FORCE command which is identical to the BASH command
3) Fixed the board freezing problem when you attempt to give > 32767 of any
currency to another user :)
4) Fixed the toll exits so that they will not crash the board :)
5) Started to add support for the gang commands:
CREATE GANG "gang name" -- Requires 100000 experience
INVITE MEMBER "user name" -- Only the gang leader can invite members
BROADGANG _or_ BG ["text"] -- By itself lists gang members
DISBAND GANG -- Only the gang leader can disband the gang
-- Note that after a gang is disbanded, the name may not be used
until the day after all ex gang members have entered the game
+ Version 0.3i - 6/9/94 +
1) Disabled sneaking and hiding when you are in a room with a monster who
is attacking you (i.e. all non-Lawfull Good monsters)
2) Hopefully fixed the PARTY command so that if someone drops carrier, they
are appropriately removed from the party
3) If you attempt to backstab when you may not legally backstab (i.e. you
have a two-handed weapon, or you are not sneaking or hiding) then you will
attack as if it was a normal attack.
4) Disallowed initiating combat with monsters in protected rooms.
5) Toll exits will now accept the toll no matter what currency you have on
you (assuming you have enough value to cover the toll)
6) When a light source disappears from your inventory, the weight will now
be removed.
7) You can now attack sneaking players
+ Version 0.3h - 6/6/94 +
1) Fixed the nightly reporting so that it should report the minutes in the
game correctly (previously, would report as though users were saved
once a minute and would not reflect saving once every 2 or 3 minutes)
2) The MAP command will no longer break up a party
3) If you buy something which is too heavy for you, it will no longer charge
4) You may now wear more than one ring at a time
5) Hunger and thirst are no longer displayed (until we actually use hunger/
thirst, if we decide to ever use them)
6) Characters created prior to version 0.3f had a chance at not being able
to light anything. This has been fixed now.
7) Added support for items limited to specific classes and/or races; also
added support to disallow anit-magic classes from carrying magical items
8) When casting combat spells, you will now initiate auto-casting even if
you aren't currently ready to cast the spell (you will then cast as soon
as you are ready)
+ Version 0.3g - 6/5/94 +
1) Fixed the cleanup routines so that they should not stop the system from
restarting (I was able to reproduce the same symptoms as reported at
cleanup with a re-installed 'out-of-the-box' version of the BBS.
MajorMUD will now cleanup properly on a base version [6.12])
2) The Arena will now have more monsters in it
3) Fixed the 'CAST' command with no target (will restart combat with the
last target you were casting at if you have not 'attacked' since the
last cast)
4) Fixed room illumination spells so that they will work properly now
5) Until a better solution can be implemented, level 1 users may no longer
drop, hide, or give away anything. When they suicide or are killed,
none of their possessions will drop to the ground. Level 1 users may
also not be robbed.
+ Version 0.3f - 6/4/94 +
1) Modified topten to take a parameter to display more users (topten 50)
2) Starting at level 2, buying and selling in stores will convert your
currency to the largest denominations
3) When Backstabbing a monster it will say 'Attempting to Backstab' now
4) The page count limit now also applies to telepaths (i.e. pages and
telepaths combined) [You cannot block telepaths entirely though]
5) Wandering guards will now attack evil users
6) If a monster attacked you recently, then you may not hide or sneak
7) Fixed the Feedback command to send mail from "SYSOP". This assumes that
the sysop account has the appropriate key to send MHS mail.
8) Modified the name matching code to support multiple words more accurately
(i.e. You can now "read scroll of ethereal shield")
9) Made changes to the way in which light items are handled (now you can
light them and then remove them multiple times)
10) Ensured that the player's character is saved when they run out of credits
11) Changed the default statline for new users to `full' instead of just `on'
+ Version 0.3e - 6/3/94 +
1) Fixed the accounting error where the time in the game was not recorded
properly (and therefore free time was not working properly)
+ Version 0.3d - 6/2/94 +
+ First Official Public Release +
1) Fixed that bug I introduced in the last version when reading scrolls
2) Modified the mystic attacks
+ Version 0.3c - 6/1/94 +
1) More of the same as the last 2 versions {grin}
2) Can no longer cast multiple duration spells with similar effects on a user
3) Fixed the bug where sometimes you would read a new scroll and it would
tell you that you have already got the spell.
4) Added validation on player names
5) When you are killed in a colliseum, you will only regain the amount of hp
which you had when you entered the colliseum.
+ Version 0.3b +
1) Many modifications to support distribution to other BBS's
+ Version 0.3a +
1) Added commands to support talking with NPCs and other monsters
2) Internal restructuring to enable distribution to other BBS's
3) Looking will now tell you if someone is sneaking
4) Monsters now have a random chance of dropping items
5) Further enhancements to the exits - more descriptions, more variety
6) You may no longer look at hidden users
7) Modified the Backstab formulas
+ Version 0.2o +
1) Added a SEARCH "direction" command to find some hidden doors
2) Updated a number of statistics formulas
+ Version 0.2n +
1) More support for locked doors, gates, hidden exits, and remote actions.
2) Enhanced timed commands
3) Modified exitting so that you can type BREAK during your meditation to
stop meditation.
+ Version 0.2m +
1) Enhanced the support for doors, gates, and hidden exits.
2) Fixed some bugs with critical hits
+ Version 0.2l +
1) Enhanced critical hits
2) Modified Sneak
3) Some visual changes (colours, etc.)
+ Version 0.2k +
1) Fixed the bug where certain people could crash the board with feedback :)
2) Fixed the FRONTRANK command
+ Version 0.2j +
1) Added the concept of a 'protected' room - no PVP combat at all
2) Added more evil effects
3) Added a FEEDBACK command which will email me with a line of comments
(@WCC for remote BBS'). [Also, internal error reporting via EMail]
4) Modified the speed of punching, kicking, jumpkicking
5) Introduced the concept of a 'critical hit' (Must either TRAIN or REROLL
to be able to get the correct chance at a critical hit.)
6) Enhanced the frontrank/backrank support in combat
+ Version 0.2i +
1) Added a DISMISS GUARD command which will release your guard.
2) Fixed the random bug which would cause monsters to 'not die'
3) Modified the LOOK command so that you can look at an item in a store
before you buy it.
4) Started adding the effects for being evil.
5) Modified the effects of charm in stores.
+ Version 0.2h +
1) Death occurs at 0 hp in any colliseum room (i.e. practice arena)
2) Fixed up light levels (hopefully) {grin}
3) Added new exit types (doesn't concern users until the appropriate
quests are written; just Cat, Rasputin, and Orfeo)
+ Version 0.2g +
1) Some performance improvements (not user-perceivable when in the game,
just at the board level)
2) Fixed the bug where you couldn't ready some weapons together.
+ Version 0.2f +
1) First release of Evil System.
+ Version 0.2e +
1) Fixed attacking sneaking/hidden users
2) When an items uses are gone (i.e. a scroll has been read) and it
disappears, the weight is now deducted from your weight carried.
3) Poison should no longer affect you after you die (or suicide)
4) Modified name matching logic when buying items in a store
5) Fixed the bug where certain situations would cause a suicide command
to effectively reroll - also, breaking combat should not tell you that
you are 'no longer dragging' if you were not originally dragging.
6) When you attempt to read a scroll which does nothing for you, it
should not disappear from your inventory.
7) Attack or Cast on a line by itself will attempt to reinitiate auto-combat
or auto-casting with the last user/monste with which you were in combat
8) Modified auto-combat to stop properly when attacking monsters.
+ Version 0.2d +
1) Fixed the robbing bug where your currency goes to extremes
2) Modified the generation of Lair monsters
+ Version 0.2c +
1) Fixed mana so you don't get more than your maximum
2) You may no longer rob someone of something worn or a readied weapon.
3) You may no longer steal money from someone by giving them money.
+ Version 0.2b +
1) New combat system
2) Modified method/rate of hp and mana regeneration
3) Only one person can drag another user at a time
4) Enhanced support of the USE/READ/DRINK/EAT commands to support healing
potions, etc.
5) First release of the ROB command (only from users currently)
6) Added a receive items flag which will stop other players from giving
you items or currency. Command is: SET RECEIVE "on/off" to turn it
on or off. PROFILE to view the current status.
+ Version 0.1w +
1) Blah... not much
+ Version 0.1v +
1) Whisper works nownue...
2) Modified initiation of combat to interrupt your typing. Use the commands
3) Added a 'blind follow' mode which will not display room descriptions
to following users. Use the commands
4) First release of Bard spells (alter stats style spells)
+ Version 0.1u +
1) First release of Scrolls
2) Fixed the train stats/ctrl-o bug
3) Fixed Bank command errors
+ Version 0.1t +
1) A few more colour changes
2) A lot of spell changes - most noticably descriptive changes, so please
report any peculiarities (I expect a number as this is STILL not done)
+ Version 0.1s +
1) A few colour changes...
2) A few adjustments to sneak and hide
3) A few adjustments to death and suicide
+ Version 0.1r +
1) Fixed the bug where some users were crashing the BBS when they trained
2) Modified the delays during sneaking and hiding
+ Version 0.1q +
1) First release of Kai powers
2) Nightly Cleanup routine will sweep items and currency out of sight
+ Version 0.1p +
1) Modified the way in which certain items can give you special abilities
2) Ensured that spells stop affecting you after you die.
3) Modified Backstab so that 2-handed weapons may not be used to backstab
4) Restrict Punches to classes explicitly with the Punch ability
+ Version 0.1o +
1) A number of little things
2) Modified the price of items to use your charm when calculating a price
3) Added error checks on allowable names
+ Version 0.1n +
1) Added a BASH "direction" command which will let you bash through
locked doors.
2) Classes restricted to one-handed weapons may not wear off-hand armour
(i.e. Shields)
3) Increased the chance of aggressive monsters following you.
4) Modified the spells/items which each user is allowed to purchase in
each store.
+ Version 0.1m +
1) Made numerous error-checking modifications in the hopes of eliminating
crashes. Please note that we will be resetting the game to clear any
potentially corrupt data. This will happen sometime this weekend
(probably Sunday the 23rd early am). Please don't ask for any
character modifications -- we will not be doing any because numerous
other changes have affected the way in which EXP is earned, and the
amounts per level, etc. In other words, Please do NOT ask.
2) Broadcast by itself will tell you who is in your broadcast group. Also,
the letters - or ' will start a broadcast (but ' will not override the
global ' unless your ;cc is set to 0)
3) Modified the Party command to display invited users as 'invited'
4) Toned down the rate at which monsters will enter rooms around you.
+ Version 0.1l +
1) Fixed the automatic timed saves of the characters
2) Fixed some sneak/drag bugs (you never stopped)
3) Added the command SET MAXPAGES {n} which will allow you to configure
the number of pages which you can receive in a 3 second period. Use
the PROFILE command to see your current setting. For users suffering
from 'macro paging', we suggest setting this value to 1.
+ Version 0.1k +
1) Modified Sneaking and Hiding rules (Modified Backstab)
2) Fixed training so that you get back your lives/level
3) Reduced the experience gained from killing users
4) Fixed 'macro-paging' by limiting the number of pages you can receive
in a row. (i.e. you can only recieve 1 page every 3 seconds)
+ Version 0.1j +
1) Fixed the Cure-Poison spell ability such that (a) It doesn't tell you
that you are poisoned and (b) You don't continually increase in HP.
2) Fixed looking through locked doors.
3) Disabled combat style spells in shops.
4) Modified the allowable armour so that classes only allowed up to
chainmail may no longer use Scalemail (and allowed Scalemail users to
use Chainmail)
5) Modified combat style spells so that you cannot attack yourself
6) If you have 2 or more of an item and 1 is readied or worn and you drop,
stash, or hide that item, you will drop, stash, or hide the one you don't
have readied or worn.
7) Modified death so that you lose all of your bank accounts. (Only on
Reroll, Suicide NOW, and final death)
8) Increased delay time prior to commencing attacks against level 1 users
(i.e. Level 1 users get more time to run away)
9) Modified the chance to hit formula - You 'should' hit more often now.
+ Version 0.1i +
1) Fixed the bug introduced in 0.1h re: HP
-- Sorry about that one, I put the wrong formula in! :)
2) Fixed the random text which appeared when you died and ran out of
lives. (Please tell me if this happens again, thanks)
+ Version 0.1h +
1) Monster's will no longer see you if you are hidden
2) Modified the calculation of HP and HP earned per level
3) Fixed the HELP EXPERIENCE command to display appropriately
4) Modified the attack values to increase chance of hitting as
levels increase
+ Version 0.1g +
1) Made more modifications to attack speed
2) Fixed encumbrance when you suicide to reset
3) Made Shops and Hotel Rooms safe from attacks
4) Added an editted flag to warn users of editted players (i.e. sysops)
5) Fixed BUY or SELL in stores to work properly when you don't specify
the item/spell you wish to buy
6) In addition to typing 'sneak east', you can now type 'sneak' and
then type 'east' to sneak east.
7) Modified the LEAVE command to first leave your Party, and then to
leave your broadcast group.
8) Added checks to ask the user to enter their suicide password. If they
press enter, the password remains blank.
+ Version 0.1f +
1) Fixed the name bug so that you can't have blank names
2) Fixed the changing of your name during the game so that it
effectively cannot be done.
3) Modified the speed of attacks so they are more appropriate
[ Read Craig's email in the forums about the penalties for
using heavy armour in low levels ]
4) Fixed locked doors
5) Modified Gates
+ Version 0.1e +
This release contains the following updates:
1) Misc. small items (These always exist)
2) Modified calculation of Secondary Character Statistics upon training
3) Modified training levels so that you get additional CP to assign to
your character. Fixed the Character Editor so that it will use
these CP properly. NOTE that any characters created prior to this
update will not qualify for this fix. You must reroll your characters
to get this value.
4) Added the 'R' Release Notes option to the main menu (Created a release
notes file!)
5) Added the 'Experience' command
6) Modified the menu to display a prompt after a choice (such as topten)
instead of the whole menu.
7) Fixed the "invalid pointer" when buy a spell which was too expensive
8) Fixed the experience earned when casting a spell on a monster
9) Fixed the mana used when a spell fails
10) Some more performance enhancements

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