Acid Slime
This is a small bluish glob of protoplasm, a product of strange magical mutations. It moves quite slowly, and is fairly easy to hit as it does not dodge, but it can deal serious and painful wounds with its pseudopods.
Adult She-Dragon
This massive dragon is at least fifty feet long, with a wingspan of many times that. Her scales are a deep blood red, and glimmer like steel. Her talons are like swords, her teeth like spears, and the intelligence in her hateful gaze almost paralyzes you with fear.
Aged Titan
This gigantic, human-like being is well over thirty feet tall, with piercing blue eyes and a snow-white beard flowing down his chest. He is garbed in clothes of an ancient fashion, but of exquisite make. His restful demeanor belies unfathomable wisdom and terrible power.
This bored-looking young man is apparently some sort of magician's apprentice, if his robes and demeanor are anything to go by. He is plain-looking, but is decently built, and has a gleam of intelligence in his eye.
This short, stooped figure wears a dull grey robe adorned with black stitching. A pair of thick spectacles sit on the end of his nose. He carries a long iron tube in one hand.
The man standing before you appears to be nearly ageless -- at least, his greying hair means he is in his middle years, but he has the build and supple grace of a warrior of half that age. There is a penetrating intelligence in his eyes that unsettles you.
Ancient Willow
This massive and ancient willow tree is rife with a black rot. Despite this malady it appears powerful and strong, and is possibly the oldest tree you have ever seen. A haunting melody seems to emanate from it, drawing you irresistably closer.
Animated Tree
This tall, twisted darkwood tree looms ominously over you. Its deep green foliage is covered in a creeping yellow rot, and its bark is peeling and diseased. It has been animated by some unknown force, and moves about on thick roots, slowly but with great power.
This seven-foot long, six-legged insect has a hard carapace coloured mottled brown and yellow. Its large mandibles are extremely strong, able to snap a small tree in half with a bite, and its antennae wave about in search of fresh meat. Ankhegs are known to attack on sight.
Archer Bush
This dense, woody bush grows close to the ground. Its thick, squat trunk sprouts many branches studded with wicked-looking thorns.
Baby Dragon
This large reptilian creature is about twenty feet long, and is covered in bright red scales. It has long talons and fangs, and its wingspan is easily twice its length. A wisp of smoke trails from its mouth as it looks at you with its glittering black eyes.
This sleazy-looking brigand wears studded leather armor, and wields a broadsword as if he knows how to use it. He eyes you shiftily and approaches with a sneer.
This misty apparition appears to be a white-robed woman, her face hidden by a dark hood. Her
translucent form seems to radiate power, and a chill of fear runs up your spine.
Bard Spirit
The transparent image of a half-elven bard stands before you. She wears bright red silks, and carries a golden harp in her hands.
This whorish-looking barmaid wears a sleazy outfit that barely
conceals her feminine charms. She has a stout cudgel at her belt, and
she does not refrain from clubbing anyone who gets on her bad side.
This massive creature towers above you like a living hill. Its four short, powerful legs propel its huge body about with surprising speed. Thick, sharp
tusk-like teeth jut out of its cavernous maw, easily wide enough to swallow someone whole.
This spherical monstrosity levitates about slowly. In the centre of its body a huge, lidless eye stares, emanating an aura of anti-magic in front of it. Atop
it are eight small eyestalks, which swivel about looking in every direction.
Beholders are incredibly dangerous foes.
This portly, smiling fellow greets you with a good-natured, booming welcome. He gestures broadly towards his wares, encouraging you to browse the merchandise.
This tall, well-built man is clad in sandals and the simple white robe of his order. A large silver amulet hangs from around his neck as some sort of symbol of office. He has dark blue eyes, greying hair and the large rough hands of a farmer, and he smiles at you warmly.
Black Dragon Serpent
This eight-foot-long serpentine creature ressembles a coal black anaconda, except that it has an evil-looking dragon's head. It has long sharp fangs and short curved horns, and black ichor drips from its mouth, burning holes in the ground.
Black Fungus Tree
This large, twisted tree has been completely taken over by some form of deep violet fungus, which has animated it. It moves slowly about on thick roots, its limbs creaking and groaning quietly.
Black Orc
This tall, menacing-looking orc stands with uncharacteristic discipline. He wears black chainmail armor, and wields a heavy sword.
Black Orc Captain
This tall, powerfully built orc has jet black skin and glowing red eyes. He wears glittering black chainmail, and wields a heavy scimitar. His evil grin exposes his sharp yellow fangs.
Black Orc Shaman
This brutal-looking figure is garbed in a rough brown robe. Glowing red eyes peer at you from the depths of its hood, and it waves its clawed hands about in
mystical patterns. An evil aura emanates from this creature.
The deadly bloodbear is named for its ability to sense strife and aggression, which enrages and attracts it. When it feels these emotions nearby, it enters a berserker rage, and races to where the sensations are coming from to slay indescriminately.
Blue Dragon Serpent
This eight-foot-long serpentine creature ressembles an azure-hued anaconda, except that it has an evil-looking dragon's head. It has long sharp fangs and short curved horns, and small sparks of electricity jump from it occasionally.
Bola Spider
This thin, long-legged spider is covered in many spiky black hairs. Its dull yellow skin is thick and leathery, and its clusters of glittering eyes glow softly. Sharp fangs jut out from its mouth at odd angles.
Bombardier Beetle
This four-foot-long beetle has a dull green carapace, long spindly legs and a strange set of tubelike organs protruding from its behind. It mandibles are fairly large, and could cause serious damage.
Bounty Hunter
This man is garbed in well-worn chainmail, and a broad sword hangs on
his back. His skin is tanned and rough, and covered in many small
scars. He appears experienced and when he looks you up and down, you
get the impression that he is evaluating you abilities.
This cloaked, hooded figure wields a drawn longsword and wears full leather armor. It gestures to you impatiently, seemingly waiting for you to hand over your valuables.
Captain of the Guard
This fearsome-looking dark-elf is garbed in black field plate and
wears a robe of the deepest crimson. His face is completely obscured
by the lowered visor of his helmet, which emanates a dull blackness.
He deftly wields a large claymore that pulsates with blue energy.
Carnivorous Plant
This large, spiny plant has many broad jagged- edged leaves. Its thick stem supports a bulbous head filled with inward-curving teeth. Dozens of tendrils sprouting from its base move it about, and wave menacingly.
Carrion Beast
This creature is an obvious mutation it is the size of a small dog, and is furred, but has six jointed legs and a snout bristling with gnarled fangs. The carrion beast is known to be a berserker when disturbed, and can be tough to kill.
Carrion Crawler
This fat, hideous insectile beast ressembles a nine foot-long maggot, except with eight long thin tentacles ringing its mouth, and two dozen legs. It slithers towards you, its tentacles waving about in the air as if searching for prey!
Cave Bear
This huge, menacing bear seems to be more demon than beast. Its red eyes glare at you malevolently, and it roars a challenge as it approaches. Its sharp curved claws appear to be able to part stone as easily as flesh.
Cave Worm
This long, grey worm is about one foot in diameter, with pale gelatinous eyes and a maw full of three inch long needle-sharp teeth. It weaves about as if searching for prey. Cave worms are quite tough, and when they hit they inflict horrible jagged wounds.
Champion Of Blood
This tall, massively muscled man is garbed in an exotic collection of black platemail and red robes. He wields a heavy, evil-looking sword, and from the depths of his helm, his eyes glow with a fervent light. The overwhelming aura of evil surrounding this man makes you shudder!
This appears to be a large, ordinary-looking wooden chest. It is bound with iron bands, and sits upon four short steel feet.
This ugly beast has the hindquarters of a huge goat, and the fore-quarters of a lion. Its body has black wings like those of a dragon. The chimera has three
heads, one of a goat, one of a lion, and one of an orange-scaled dragon. They are known to be voracious in appetite.
Cleric Spirit
The image of a short, stocky dwarf clad in shining mail and bearing a massive warhammer stands before you. The dwarf's fierce grin can be seen through his winged helm, and as you approach he raises a mailed fist in greeting.
Cloaked Figure
This evil-looking goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears shiny black hide armour, and wields a long curved sword. His pointy white teeth are bared in an evil grin as he advances towards you.
This is a large, oval-shaped cocoon fastened to the wall here. It is a pale translucent white in color, and pulsates slightly. Inside you can see the vague dark shape of a body!
Colin is a tall, moderately-built human with short, dark, greying hair. He appears to be near fifty years of age, but he has a youthfulness about him which is reflected in his slate-coloured eyes. He appears to be one who would have many tales to tell.
Commander Markus
This bearlike, muscular man is quite tall and wide, but is not fat -- he is a mountain of pure muscle. He is garbed in shining chainmail, and a long two-handed sword is strapped to his back. His intense blue eyes seem to note every detail of his surroundings.
Before you stands a fine example of a fighting man. He is well-muscled and stands with the relaxed but alert posture of someone who is used to combat. If the silence with which he moves is anything to go by, then fighting is not all he has some knowledge of.
Crazed Dwarf
This filthy dwarf looks sickly and malnourished, yet he still bears the powerful and muscular frame typical to one of dwarven blood. He is garbed in stained leather, and wields a rusty old hatchet. The look in his glazed eyes is one of pure madness.
Crazed Lunatic
This naked, drooling idiot runs about like, well, a madman. He has obviously escaped from the local mental asylum, and is delighting in his freedom to streak once more.
Crimson Mist
This mysterious swirling mist flies through the air with great speed Flashing within the mist are tiny red lights, and emanating from the mist cloud are sounds which ressemble the shrieking and moaning of hundreds of tortured beings!
Crippled Adventurer
This middle-aged man has a grizzled brown beard, only just beginning
to turn grey. He is missing his left leg, and walks with the aid of
a crutch. His right arm is withered and is swathed in bandages, and
one eye is simply a mass of scars. He moves as though in great pain.
Crystalline Spider
This large, shining creature appears to be a strange combination of hard black shell and glittering crystal. It moves about on spiky, angular legs, scuttling about with incredible speed.
This sneaky cutpurse thinks he's crept up on you. He is quite stupid though and probably doesn't realize that you've noticed him. In his right hand he holds a dull dagger.
This huge, powerfully-built humanoid is garbed in ragged skins, and wields a large twisted tree trunk in one hand. Its single baleful eye glows with a greenish fire. Wound about one of its wrists is some sort of bracelet, probably belt-sized on a normal human.
Dark Acolyte
This shady character looks at you with hatred in its eyes. He is wearing black robes and carries a sharp curved dagger. An amulet made of blackened gold hangs from his neck. As you approach him, he begins chanting and raises his arms as if to cast a spell.
Dark Assassin
This lean, stooped figure is tightly swathed in jet black robes. A horned skull is emblazoned on its chest, and a pair of straight blades hang on its back. It moves with the incredibly quiet grace of the trained killer.
Dark Bishop
This large, ugly man is garbed entirely in plate and chainmail. He wields a massive, wicked-looking flail. An aura of power surrounds him, despite his ordinary appearance, and something about the fanatical light burning in his eyes makes you very afraid!
Dark Cleric (1)
The figure standing before you is clad in enameled black chainmail, and wears a hooded mask so that you cannot see its face. It wields a spiked morning-star, and carries a large shield with a hideous horned skull emblazoned on it. It moves without uttering a sound.
Dark Cleric (2)
The figure standing before you is clad in enameled black chainmail, and wears a hooded mask so that you cannot see its face. It wields a spiked morning-star,
and carries a large shield with a hideous horned skull emblazoned on it. It moves without uttering a sound.
Dark Cultist (1)
This black-robed figure is completely shrouded, so that you cannot see even the smallest feature. It could be nearly any humanoid creature. A black iron pendant in the shape of a five-pointed star hangs around its neck, and it wields a curved shortsword.
Dark Cultist (2)
This black-robed figure is completely shrouded, so that you cannot see even the smallest feature. It could be nearly any humanoid creature. A black iron pendant in the shape of a five-pointed star hangs around its neck, and it wields a curved shortsword.
Dark Druid
This mysterious, cowled figure wears a robe of dark gray embellished with black runes. Glittering eyes peer at you maliciously from the depths of its hood, and it wields a twisted oaken staff as if it knows how to use it.
Dark-Elf Archmage
An aura of power surrounds this master of magic. From beneath his
drawn hood you see glowing eyes peering out at the world with a dark
knowledge no mortal should possess. He grips a long, twisted bone
staff in both hands.
Dark-Elf Citizen
This dark-elf has a rather noble air about her and moves with much
grace. She is dressed in black robes that nearly reach the ground
and a drawn hood hides her features. A long curved dagger hangs from
her belt.
Dark-Elf Emissary
This dark-elf moves about with superb grace and makes no sound
whatsoever. Wielding an adamantite spear and black, form-fitting
leather, he has the look of a predator in his eyes.
Dark-Elf Faithkeeper
This dark figure is clad in flowing black robes that are marked in
several places with stange arcance symbols. His face is shrouded in
some unnatural darkness by his drawn hood. Around his neck is an
amulet of his dark goddess, and in his hand is a bloodstained knife.
Dark-Elf Hunter
This dark-elf moves about with superb grace and makes no sound
whatsoever. Wielding an adamantite spear and black, form-fitting
leather, he has the look of a predator in his eyes.
Dark-Elf Nobleman
This haughty dark-elf is dressed in fine silks and silvery jewelry.
A long blade hangs from a scabbard on his back, and from the easy
grace with which he moves, he knows how to use it.
Dark-Elf Queen
The queen of the dark-elves of this region is almost masculinely
muscular, moves with uncanny speed even for an elf. An aura of utter
dominance radiates from her, and she eyes you with a gaze so piercing
you feel as though she sees right through you.
Dark-Elf Royal Guard
This frightening-looking dark-elf has only one purpose in life - to
protect his king and queen. His is clad in grey and black chainmail,
and in his heavily muscled arms he wields a fine bastard-sword.
Dark-Elf Servant
This dark-elf moves about performing such jobs as delivering meals,
cleaning messes and passing on messages. Although subserviant to the
other dark-elves, he is nonetheless a decent fighter with his long
curved knife.
Dark-Elf Soldier
This dark-elf's finely chiseled features are partially shielded by a
chain coif. Garbed in a chainmail hauberk, he wields a fine
broadsword inscribed with strange letters.
Dark-Elf Warlock
This formidable-looking warrior is garbed in black leather armour.
Around his neck hangs a strange talisman, and he wields a long blade
in one hand. His intense gaze seems to pierce the shadows, an aura of
power emanating strongly from him.
Dark-Elf Weaponsmaster
This mail-clad warrior moves with the feral grace of a seasoned
warrior. His every movement is both accurate and lightning-quick.
Girded about his waist is an elaborate scabbard, and a long black
sword hilt thrusts out from within.
Dark Elf Priestess
This thin, young individual appears malnurished and sickly. He wields a dagger in one hand, and a black symbol in the other. He lunges at you with malicious intent for trespassing on this sacred ground.
Dark Elf Warrior
This devilish warrior has evil corsing through every bit of his blackened skin. He has a fierce stare, and appears to be an exceptional fighter. Intrinsic tattoos cover a large part of his body. He is donned in chainmail and wields a black longsword.
Dark Follower
This thin, young individual appears malnurished and sickly. He wields a dagger in one hand, and a black symbol in the other. He lunges at you with malicious intent for trespassing on this sacred ground.
Dark Goblin
This sly goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears black chainmail armor and wields a cruel-looking morningstar. He leers evilly at you and chuckles.
Dark Goblin Archer
This sneaky-looking goblin has dusky grey skin and is clad in black leather armor. It wields a short bow, and a shortsword swings by its side.
Dark Goblin Warlock
This evil-looking goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears shiny black hide armor, and wields a long curved sword. His pointy white teeth are bared in an evil grin as he advances towards you.
Dark Mage
This hunched, black-robed figure creeps about with the aid of a gnarled staff. Embroidered in crimson thread upon the chest and cuffs of its robe is a hideous
horned skull. Eyes glitter darkly at you from the depths of its hood, and an aura of evil power surrounds it.
Dark Monk
This tall, mysterious figure is garbed in flowing robes of dark grey and black, and moves with an alarming grace. Emblazoned on the front and cuffs of its robe is a clenched grey fist.
Dark Paladin
This tall, imposing figure is entirely clad in glittering black chainmail. It wields a heavy broadsword and a black shield emblazoned with a red horned skull. It stands with the practiced grace of a competent warrior, and is likely to be a tough opponent.
Dark Priest
This black-shrouded figure stares at you with unmistakeable intensity. It wields a spiked mace which it waves about menacingly, and it makes arcane gestures with its free hand.
Dark Warlock
This tall, imposing figure is garbed entirely in black leather and robes. It wields a long, straight blade in one hand, and makes mystic gestures with its other. A red-horned skull is stitched in thread on the dark warlock's tabard.
Dark Warrior
This tall, imposing figure is entirely clad in glittering black platemail. It wields a heavy greatsword, and a tabard with the symbol of a a red horned skull hangs upon its chest. It stands with the discipline of the trained fighter.
Dark Wizard
This tall, mysterious man wears a glittering jet-black robe covered in glowing red runes. He wields a slender, silvery staff that crackles with lightning. The look in his eyes speaks of incredible knowledge, and he is surrounded by a withering aura of power.
This tall, handsome man has long black hair down to the middle of his back, and wears bright red clothes that immediately catch your eye.
Death Dog
This appears to be an ordinary, if somewhat large, reddish-brown mastiff. As you look closer though, you see that it has no eyes, just bony hollows. It seems to move around using only its sense of smell, as it sniffs about continually.
Depraved Murderer
This slobbering, vicious murderer prowls about here in search of
victims. He holds a bloodstained spiked club in one hand, and a large
bag full of scalps in the other.
This tall, intense-looking man is garbed in deep blue robes with silvery stitching. His long brown hair is shot through with grey. He is calm and composed, and has a glint of vast experience in his eye. He could be a valuable ally, or a dangerous opponent.
Dire Wolf
This huge wolf stands nearly four feet in height, and is covered in a glossy grey pelt. Its red eyes glare at you visciously, and it bares its fangs and grows spitefully.
Displacer Beast
This jet-black animal ressembles a puma almost exactly-- with the exception of glowing green eyes and spiked tentacles growing from its shoulders. Displacer beasts are known to create illusions of themselves up to a few feet away, so it makes them very hard to hit.
Dragon Hatchling
This large reptilian creature is about twelve feet long, and is covered in bright orange scales. It has long talons and fangs, and its wingspan is easily twice its length. A wisp of smoke trails from its mouth as it looks at you with its glittering black eyes.
The dragonfish is widely known as one of the most vicious freshwater predators. Though it is not huge, its razor-sharp teeth, incredible speed, and burning steam breath make it a terrible foe. Dragonfish are thought to be the result of a mad wizard's experiments.
Druid Spirit
Before you stands the image of a grey-cloaked druid leaning upon a nightblack staff. His piercing grey eyes seem to penetrate your mind, and he looks as if he is evaluating you as the merchants examine livestock.
Drunken Brawler
This obviously plastered person staggers aimlessly about, an empty pewter tankard in one hand, and a link of sausages in the other. He is quite angry, probably at being thrown out of every bar in town, and is picking fights with everyone he meets.
Dwarf Berserker
This sly goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears black chainmail armour and wields a cruel-looking morningstar. He leers evilly at you and chuckles.
Dwarven Hylar
This sly goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears black chainmail armour and wields a cruel-looking morningstar. He leers evilly at you and chuckles.
Dying Slaver Leader
The once-haughty slaver leader has now been reduced to a babbling
fool. He is a complete coward and would respond to any threats or
requests for information given to him.
Earth Elemental
This massive, lumpish creature is formed out of the very earth you walk on. Sticks and twigs poke out of its body, and it is riddled with stones. It moves slowly, but has the fearsome power of the elemental plane of earth at its command.
Elite Guard
This tall, muscular figure wears glittering black chainmail armor, and holds a black shield emblazoned with a red horned skull. It wields a fine broadsword,
and a golden brooch holding its cloak declares it as a being of rank.
Elite Orc Guard
This tall, muscular orc is garbed in a well-maintained suit of chainmail, and glares at you through the eyeslits of a steel helm. He wields a slightly curved bastard sword as if he knows how to use it, and at your approach he goes into a fighting stance!
This exquisite, beautiful creature closely ressembles a tiny elf with dragonfly wings. She glows with a soft light, and as she flies about a trail of glittering faerie dust spins out behind her. Faeries are incredibly magical creatures, and often command powerful magics.
Fallen Angel
This tall, fearsome creature is the spiteful, burning remnant of a
once-beautiful angel. Twisted and misformed by its unfathomable hate,
it flies about on hooked wings the colour of soot, and wields a
spectral glass blade that burns with unholy intensity.
This wiry, scruffy-looking man sits with his legs dangling over the edge of the dock, a fishing pole in one hand. He nods curtly to you as you approach.
The filthbug is a two foot long beetle-like creature. It has a black and brown spotted shell, and long spindly legs with small claws on the ends. The filthbug is known to be a scavenger, and though it does not pose much of a threat, its shell makes it tough to kill.
Fire Bat
This huge, crimson bat is sheathed in writhing flames! The bat's beady black eyes peer at you hungrily, and it squeaks loudly as it flaps towards you!
Fire Elemental
This flickering, fiery shape holds a roughly humanoid form. It moves about with a quiet roaring sound, and as it approaches you it reaches out with a flaming limb to strike you.
Flame Elemental
This burning, crackling shape is made of pure fire. It moves about on a tower of flame, and maintains a roughly humanoid form. Searing heat radiates from it,
making it hard to approach.
Forest Spider
This large brown spider has a small body and powerful head and jaws. Its underbody is striped with white, and its two front legs are quite short and have gripping claws.
Frost Hydra
This huge, seven-headed beast is covered in a three-foot thick prison of ice, its snarling visage forever frozen. It appears heavily armoured and armed, its teeth being long and swordlike, its necks long and agile. Gripped in one of its mouths is a large, glittering icy hammer, maul-sized for someone of human stature.
Frost Serpent
This eight foot snake is completely white, save for its slitted yellow eyes. Its black tongue flicks in and out rapidly, and it slithers toward you.
Frozen Giant
This twenty-foot-tall giant is encased in a living tomb of ice three feet thick. His massively muscled arms are frozen reaching out as if grasping at something, his face fixed in an outraged frown.
Fungus Lizard
This six-foot-long lizard is a mottled grey and brown, and has strange, spherical rotating eyes. Its maw is filled with many shiny white teeth, very sharp, and dripping with venom. A thin grey fungus covers most of its body like a parasite.
This hideous creature appears to be made out of dark grey stone. Its curved claws, batlike wings, and horned, demon-like head instill fear in all but the boldest adventurers. They are known to be vicious fighters, delighting in torture when their adversary is down.
Gelatinous Cube
What appears to be a ten foot cube of quivering protoplasm is before you. It oozes forward at a respectable pace, and suspended within its transparent core are various objects it apparently could not digest.
This nearly transparent apparition moans softly as it floats about. It clutches its torn white funeral rags closely to itself. Although it appears sad and lonely, the undead are known to vent their rage and frustration upon the living.
Ghost Knight
A haze of shimmering light surrounds this ghostly apparition. The
spectral knight's features are drawn with an incredible sadness, his
once-proud and powerful form now sunken with grief. Powerful
emanations of goodness ripple out from him in waves.
This awful-looking creature appears to be a filthy, emaciated human - until you see its glowing red eyes and sharp claws. Its frail appearance belies powerful muscles, and it moves with surprising grace.
Giant Ant
This six-foot-long ant is reddish-brown, and has massive mandibles. Its chitinous armor makes it extremely tough. Giant ants are known for their ferocity and deadliness.
Giant Bat
This enormous bat has a six-foot wingspan, and is covered in short black fur. Its beady eyes peer at you hungrily as it flaps towards you!
Giant Pulsating Cocoon
This gigantic, revolting cocoon has been fastened to the wall with a mass of sticky threads. It appears to be somewhat like an organ made of pasty white skin, and inside you can vaguely see the outlines of bodies!
Giant Rat
This appears to be a mutant rat, grown to dog's size by some unknown force. Its beady red eyes peer at you along the length of its dirty muzzle, and it flicks its hairless pink tail nervously. The giant rat has sharp, yellow teeth that could inflict sizeable wounds.
Giant Rattlesnake
This long, brown snake is covered in a black, diamond- shaped pattern. Its beady eyes glitter at you, and it rattles warningly as it slithers towards you!
Giant Snake
This long, mottled serpent is perhaps twenty feet in length. Its grey-green hide is thick and lumpy, its head arrow-shaped and blunt. The snake peers at you maliciously with its evil yellow eyes, and slithers towards you.
Giant Spider
This huge, revolting spider is quite hairy and is as black as jet. Its cluster of faintly glowing eyes seems to mock you, and it moves with deceptive slowness. You notice something shimmering on one of its large fangs.
Giant Toad
This massive, bloated toad is a mottled black and green. Its huge luminescent white eyes gleam eerily, and its toothy maw drips wetly. It hops forward on its
powerful legs.
Gibbering Horror
This disgusting blob-like beast pulls itself around with sticky protrusions. It is covered in glowing red eyes of all sizes, and many fanged mouths which continuously babble an almost hypnotic chant.
Gigantic Black Ooze
This horrific, immense blob nearly fills up the entire corridor. It ripples along without making a sound. Its incredible bulk sends a stab of fear into your heart, and you are uncertain whether or not any mere mortal could stop its inexorable flow.
This tall, slim young man is dressed in tight, brightly coloured clothing, and sports large golden hoops in his ears. He is quite handsome, and his brilliant smile is almost disarming. He has an air of almost exaggerated casualness about him.
Glittering Ooze
This bulbous, pulsating mass glitters and sparkles, its skin studded with a coating of crystalline shards. It moves about with a rolling motion, and reaches out searchingly with its pseudopods.
Glowing Worm
This long, brightly glimmering worm seems to be encrusted with a fine layer of opalescent crystal. Its mouth is filled with long, needle-like teeth, and it waves its head about searchingly. Its whiplike tail is tipped with a serrated crystalline blade.
Gnoll Axeman
This creature looks like a tall combination of a human and hyena, with greenish-grey fur. It wears chainmail armor and wields a heavy greataxe with relative ease. This gnoll looks bigger and tougher than the more commonly-seen scout.
Gnoll Chieftain
This huge gnoll towers over his lesser brethen, and wields a massive two-headed morningstar in one hand. He wears an impressive array of leather and chainmail armor. His massive muscles stand out from beneath his garments, and it is easy to see why he is the commander.
Gnoll Scout
This creature looks like a tall combination of a human and hyena, with greenish-grey fur. It wears light leather armour, and carries a long bow and a quiver bristling with arrows. Gnolls are known to be relatively lazy and hate most humanoid races with a passion.
Gnome Commander
This large, middle-aged gnome has a crafty glint in his eye, and the
easy grace of an experienced warrior. He is garbed in studded leather
armour, and a slim-bladed thrusting sword hangs by his side.
Gnome Sentry
This short, leather-armoured gnome wields a short spear with
proficiency. Extremely alert, he continually scans around for enemies
and intruders.
Gnome Shaman
An aura of mystic power surrounds this gnarled gnome. Garbed in a
fine red robe, he carries a twisted oaken staff, and many pouches
full of reagents and magical talismans hang from his belt.
Godfrey Lionheart
Godfrey is dressed in full platemail armour. At his side is a decrotive scabbard. He stands 6'2, dark black hair, and eyes of deep blue. His demeanor is serious with a fleck of joy in his eyes. Upon approaching he approachs and asks your business.
This terrifying creature appears to be a jet-black, armor-plated bull with glowing red eyes. Despite its apparent toughness, its large size makes it fairly slow to react. The gorgon's main weapons are its sharp metal horns, and its petrifying breath.
This massive ogre-mage warlord wears a wicked-looking spiked plate ensemble, and bears a sapphire-orbed staff. Incredible muscles strain under his clothing, and the hatred in his eyes is both ferocious and disconcerting-- there is cunning there as well as sheer brutality.
Greasy Thief
This sleazy bastard sits here with an insolent grin. He is just asking to get the tar beaten out of him. As you approach, he spits on the ground, and lazily waves to his wares for sale.
Greater Hellhound
This huge, powerfully-built beast appears to part dog, and part demon. Its thick pelt is a glossy black, and its long teeth and claws glimmer whitely. A wisp of smoke trails from the corner of its mouth, and it eyes you with
unnerving intelligence.
Greater Hellion
This twenty-foot-tall monstrosity is some sort of demon of fire. Its dull red body is powerfully muscled, and is covered in long black spikes. Long curved horns adorn its head. The hellion is shrouded in flame, and it glares at you with a look of unspeakable evil.
Greedy Healer
This money-grubbing loser has no good qualities whatsoever, aside from his ability to heal. His only love is money, and if there was a sick person on his doorstep who could not pay, not only would he not help, he would kick the person back into the gutter.
Green Dragon Serpent
This eight-foot-long serpentine creature ressembles an emerald-hued anaconda, except that it has an evil-looking dragon's head. It has long sharp fangs and short curved horns, and a hazy cloud of green gas surrounds the beast.
Grey Guardian Wolf
The animal in front of you is superior in size to normal wolves. This impressive specimen has a thick grey pelt, under which you can see huge, powerful muscles, which allows it to survive in such desolate areas.
Grey Spider
This disgusting grey spider is huge, at least four feet long, and has long hairy legs. Its cluster of eyes glitter malevolently, and it scuttles around with blinding speed.
Grey Wolf
The animal in front of you is superior in size to a regular wolf. This impressive specimen has a thick grey pelt, under which you can see huge, powerful muscles, which allows it to survive in such desolate areas.
Grizzled Trainer
This tall, powerful man is built like a bear, and is just as fat. His bare chest is covered in thick brown hair, and numerous scars line his arms and face. He appears to be tough as nails.
Grizzly Bear
This large, generally peaceful animal can nonetheless be a deadly foe when aroused. Its incredible strength, good speed, and sharp claws can down many adventurers before they have the opportunity to strike back. If left alone, they tend to ignore people.
Guard Captain
This tall, imposing figure is clad in glittering black plate and chainmail. Dark eyes peer at you maliciously from within its steel helm. It wields a finely crafted broadsword, and moves with the grace and discipline of the master warrior.
Guard Dog
This large, vicious creature is as large as a wolf, and appears to be
a cross of two or more of the most dangerous breeds of hounds. Its
dirty grey-black pelt is covered in mangy patches, and it snaps
wildly at you with bloodlust in its eyes!
Guardian Beast
This eight-foot monstrosity looks like something out of a nightmare.
Its skin is jet black, and its head is nothing more than a lump
peeking out of its barrel-like chest. Glowing amber eyes peer out
above a wide mouth filled with sharp, thick teeth.
Guardian Golem
This appears to be a tall, heroically-proportioned stone sculpture of a man-like creature. Its rough, chiseled features are set in a fierce scowl. You see a slight gleam of something deeply imbedded beneath the stone surface of its chest.
This is a fierce-looking guardsman. He wields a drawn broadsword and carries a round shield, and his well-polished chainmail armor gleams in the light.
Guardsmen are known to be excellent fighters, and are more than a match for most lesser adversaries.
This large, plain-looking man is garbed in fine clothing. His features are thick and solid, as if he were made of stone. He looks like a very sober man, but not unkind, and his eyes twinkle with a light that belies his age.
Gurbultis is quite short, even for a gnome, but more than makes up for this fact in pure volume. He is very fat, and wears thick violet robes and golden chains and rings of all sizes and types, so that he jangles with each movement. He has a sullen, brooding look.
Gypsy Spirit
Before you stands the image of a goblin, dressed in brightly coloured clothes and bearing a broadsword across its back. He grins easily at your approach, and with an elaborate flourish, bows in greeting.
Half-Ogre Bodyguard
This huge warrior is unmistakeably a half-ogre, as his 7 foot tall frame clearly shows. He looks strong enough to snap a human in two. He is clad in leather armor and wields a massive hammer.
Half-Ogre Guard
Chosen because they are smarter than their hobgoblin and ogre compatriots, the half-ogres play the roles of guards here. Wielding heavy bastard-swords in one hand, and armoured with spiked shields and iron scalemail, they present difficult foes.
Half-Ogre Warrior
This huge half-ogre wears brigandine armor, and wields a massive maul as if it were a light club. It grins at you stupidly from beneath its helm.
This filthy beast looks like a cross between a human woman and a large carrion bird. Her greasy feathers are a grey-brown in color, and her hooked talons look extremely sharp. Harpies are known to be the most unclean of creatures, often infecting their victims.
This tall, solidly-built woman has bright green eyes and long blonde hair which is plaited into one long braid hanging over her left shoulder. She wear the same long white robes as her brethren, with the differance that her sleeves are rolled up to her elbows.
This tall, powerfully built man has long reddish hair and flashing blue eyes. His ferocious demeanor is offset by his soft and calming tone, which is more suited to a diplomat than to a weaponsmith. He wears nicely-stitched leather clothes, and a broadsword sits nearby.
This nightmarish creature looks at first glance to be a huge wolf with greasy black fur. It is hideously misshapen, however, having glowing crimson eyes and
unnaturally large fangs. It wears a spiked iron collar around its neck, in some sort of parody of domesticity.
High Druid
This tall, dark figure is garbed in a robe of deep grey, with silvery runes around the cuffs and hem. A long white beard flows from the depths of the hood, and glittering eyes peer at you evilly. The high druid holds a wicked-looking golden sickle with a shimmering edge.
High Priestess
Before you stands one of the most feared creatures in dark-elf
society- the royal priestess. She is dressed in robes of the deepest
black and in one hand she holds a rune-etched sceptre. Her eyes are
bottomless pools of darkness and her gaze chills you to your soul.
Hill Centaur
This fierce, territorial centaur warrior roams the hills protecting the boundaries of his tribe. He is garbed in leather armor and wields an impressive composite bow. Centaurs are known to have explosive tempers when provoked, and trespassers are not tolerated.
This tall, brutish figure is unmistakeably a hobgoblin. Its cruel eyes glare out at you evilly from its helm, and it hefts its heavy flail with malice.
This vicious beast stands only three feet tall, and runs about with great speed on its thin, muscular legs. Its arms are long and sport wicked-looking claws, while two gleaming green eyes peer at you out of its head. Needle-like fangs line its wide mouth in triple rows.
Horned Demon
This towering demon has brilliant yellow skin and two sharpened sets of antlers that branch out from the sides of its head. Its powerful arms have long, hooked claws, and its glaring black eyes have no hint of mercy in them.
Huge Basilisk
This massive beast is nearly fifteen feet in length, and ressembles a brown-black giant lizard. Its eight short legs are thick and strong and its toothy maw filled with razor-sharp fangs. It hangs its heavy head, and its large lidded eyes seem to be staring at the ground.
HugeDwarven Witchunter
This massive, scary-looking dwarf is nearly as tall as a man. He is
literally rippling with muscles, and looks like he could tear you in
two. He is garbed in an exotic suit of armour, and wields a strange
glittering sword.
Huge Tiger Beetle
This insectile mutation is about four feet long, and has a striped carapace and six jointed legs. Two large, multifaceted eyes are placed alongside its enormous mandibles. Insects of unnatural size are known for their incredible strength and speed.
The huorns are the semi-intelligent trees of the forest. They are not truly sentient, but obey the commands of the intelligent trees. All huorns
are tough and slow, but can make formidable opponents.
Ice Golem
This giant human-like contraption has been made from solid ice. It moves quite slowly, but its chiseled arms look big enough to crash an ogre's head in its arms.
Ice Sorceress
This beautiful, but menacing woman appears to be made of ice. She moves gracefully, and her violet robes flutter gently over her almost perfect figure. In her right hand she clutches a sceptre made of a dark blue glass, which she handles with great care.
This hideous little creature flies around on reddish bat wings. It leers at you evilly with its grotesque demon face, and flicks its scorpion tail at you. Imps are known to be quite evil, and while not as powerful as some demons, still dangerous to the unwary.
This odd-looking, four-armed creature has opalescent black eyes and pale white skin. It wears a beautiful blue robe, heavily ornamented with silvery stitching. It seems to smile to you, and beckons for you to approach.
Killer Bee
This insectile monstrosity is fully as large as a man, and many times faster. Its huge stinger could easily gut someone, even without its deadly poison. Killer Bees are known to attack unprovoked, and although not truly evil, they are as close to it as can be.
Kobold Slave
This pathetic-looking kobold is clad in nothing but filthy rags, and wields a small knife.
Kobold Thief
The creature before you stands about four feet tall, has small pointy teeth, and is garbed in mismatched armor. It carries a short sword, and flicks its eyes around nervously as it sneaks about.
Lady Sentara
The Lady Sentara is well-known as the most beautiful woman in Silvermere. Though she must be nearing her fortieth year, she looks barely older than half that. He platinum-blonde hair, sea-blue eyes and girlish figure have made many a man beg her hand in marriage.
This horrific creature appears to be half serpent, half woman. Her snakelike lower body is long and muscular, and her upper body is that of a beautiful, evil woman. In one hand she wields a wavy-bladed dagger, and with the other makes arcane gestures.
Large Chest
This appears to be a large, ordinary-looking wooden chest. It is
bound with iron bands, and sits upon four short steel feet.
This is an ugly, mottled gray worm, about three feet in length. It appears to be eyeless, and weaves its head about in the air as if searching for something. This hideous beast has a mouth full of extremely sharp teeth, and is known to strike with lightning speed.
This interesting-looking fellow is clad in green clothes and wears a pair of sturdy shoes. His bright red beard and hair are somewhat spiky and coarse. In one hand he wields a gilded club, and in the other holds a long smoking pipe.
Lord of the Hunt
This terryfing being stands at least fifteen feet tall, and is as lithe as a cat. Garbed in a strange, metallic garb, he wields a long spear which sparkles
with blue light. The Lord of the Hunt's bright green eyes almost entrance you as he stares right at you!
Mad Wizard
This golden-robed man has frizzy grey hair and wears thick spectacles. He hurries about nervously, with a crazed expression on his face.
Mage Spirit
Before you stands the shadowed image of a black-shrouded dark elf. His bright blue eyes peer from the depths of his hood, and as he looks you up and down, he seems to nod to himself in satisfaction.
Magma Man
This large, glowing figure seems to be made entirely of hed-hot lava! It moves slowly, its huge bulk being a great encumbrance, but its burning fists could cause horrendous damage.
The manticore is a strange beast indeed-- with the body, legs and mane of a lion, the wings of a bat, an almost demonic-looking man's head, and a spiked
tail, it qualifies as one of the oddest monstrosities encounterable. It is a fierce and ruthless fighter.
Massive Chest
This huge black chest is carved from some sort of glossy stone. Its surface is smooth and marbled with grey. Strangely, there is no lock on it, and no apparent way to open it.
Master Assassin
This lithe, well-built woman has the smooth, angular features of a dark-elf. She is garbed in a leathery black wrap, and wields a pair of long, slightly curved blades. She moves with the deadly grace of a predator, and has a ruthless gleam in her eyes.
Master Torturer
This cruel-looking dark-elf is feared throughout the city as the
embodiment of pitiless evil. He is wearing bloodstained black robes,
and carries a nine-tailed whip which is streaked with flayed flesh
and gore. A look of insane rapture is upon his face.
This delicate-looking woman has large, almond-shaped brown eyes and long black hair down to her waist. She is quite young, and is as beautiful as a fresh new flower. She bows slightly at your gaze, and turns away, blushing.
This leather-clad warrior has a decidedly shifty appearance. The readied longsword he carries is notched and looks as if it has seen much use. These mercenaries are sometimes nothing more than hired thugs, and this particular one seems to fit right into that category.
Mermex Hunter
This insectile monstrosity bears great ressemblance to a scorpion, except that it has violet-black chitin, and is covered with a multitude of pulsating organic growths, some of which have small tubes protruding from them. It moves with great speed and agility.
Mermex Queen
This monstrously huge mermex is covered by grotesquely pulsating organic growths, many of which spout nozzle-like tubes. She is armed with the same vicious pincers and scorpion-like tail as the other mermex, and due to her size, will be a difficult foe to defeat.
Mermex Royal Guard
This insectile monstrosity bears great ressemblance to a scorpion, except that it has violet-black chitin, and is covered with many pulsating organic growths sporting nozzle-like tubes. This mermex is substantially larger and more powerfully built than the others.
Mermex Warrior
This insectile monstrosity bears great ressemblance to a scorpion, except that it has violet-black chitin, and is covered with a multitude of pulsating organic growths, two of which have wide openings. It appears larger and
stronger than most other mermex.
Mermex Worker
This insectile monstrosity bears great ressemblance to a scorpion, except that it has violet-black chitin, and is covered with a few pulsating organic growths. It seems to be heavier built than the other types of mermex, though somewhat slower.
This hideous, nine foot tall beast has the head and legs of a massive black bull, and the body of an incredibly muscled man. He wields a double-bladed battleaxe, and grins at you evilly.
Minotaur Champion
This hideous, ten foot tall beast has the head and legs of a massive black bull, and the body of an incredibly muscled man. He wields a huge, bone-hafted greataxe with a heavy, single-edged blade. He leers at you evilly, and his squinting red eyes are only filled with hate.
Minotaur Chieftain
This hideous, ten foot tall beast has the head and legs of a massive black bull, and the body of an incredibly muscled man. He wields a huge, glittering black battleaxe, and is adorned with tattoos and all sorts of primitive jewelry.
Missionary Spirit
An image of a lithe human woman stands before you. She is clad in dark leather armour, and wields a peculiar curved blade. Her shoulder length red hair flutters like a cloud around her, and her clear grey eyes hold your unwaveringly.
Moaning Spirit
All you can see of this strange apparition is a swirling, misty shape somewhat like smoke. It moans ominously, making the hair stand up on the back of your neck.
This seven foot tall humanoid monstrosity is completely shrouded in filthy, yellowed burial wrappings. Its every movement is made with slow deliberation, and it reeks of decay and tomb rot, forcing you to turn your head to avoid the fumes.
This hideous, misshapen creature appears to have once been a humanoid. Its blistered skin is deformed and covered in thick black hairs, and its face would
make an ogre look beautiful. Its limbs are filled with unnatural strength, and it attacks with berserk fury!
Mystic Spirit
This is image of a well-built half-orc, wearing nothing but a loose pair of white pants. He stands in such a manner as to suggest that if you blinked your eyes, he could be upon you before they opened again. Despite his forbidding appearance, he gives you a toothy grin.
This tall, stocky man greets you with a welcoming smile. He has a lined, careworn face and sports drooping moustaches that hang down past his chin. He gestures towards his array of weaponry with a sweeping motion.
Nexus Hunter
This tall, forbidding figure is garbed in a strange assortment of shimmering multicoloured clothing, in contrast to its ebony skin. In one hand, it wields a
gleaming metal disc, and as it stalks though the wasteland you witness its catlike grace.
Night Hag
This hideous creature appears to be a twisted, hunchbacked woman with long, greasy black hair and dark glittering eyes. She is garbed in a coarse black robe, and iron bracelets rattle around her bony wrists. In one hand she grasps an odd skull-headed wand.
Ninja Spirit
Before you stands a tall, lean half-orc, wearing full black ninja armour. Twin short swords swing by his side, and his hood is pulled low over his eyes. Despite his unsettling appearance, he manages a short bow at your approach, and motions you closer.
Nomadic Chieftain
This heavily built humanoid is garbed from head to toe in various animal skins. In his right hand he carries a staff etched with several tribal sigils, and is crowned in what appears to be be ceremonial headgear. A faint blue aura surrounds his body.
Nomadic Huntsman
This large humanoid in garbed in soft white pelts. His headgear consists of several large roc feathers, which hang droopily from the top of his head. He carries a large club, spiked with several fangs, possibly from the mountain cats that inhabit this area.
Nomadic Shaman
This figure is dressed in several ceremonial shamanic robes of an unkown order. Most of the symbols are naturally made, suggesting a druidic alignment. He carries a twisted oak staff in one hand, and several small pouches attached to his belt.
Nomadic Tribesman
This large humanoid in garbed in soft white pelts. His headgear consists of several large roc feathers, which hang droopily from the top of his head. He carries a large club, spiked with several fangs, possibly from the mountain cats that inhabit this area.
Obsidian Demon
This small, angular creature seems to be made of a shiny black glass. Its pointy head has two brightly glowing red eyes, and its fingers are tipped with long, sharp claws. It moves with uncanny speed, and leaps towards you!
Obsidian Statue
This tall, finely-chiseled stone statue glitters darkly in the light.
Carved to ressemble a mail-clad dark-elf bearing a long sword, it
stands guard over the black gates.
This huge figure towers nearly ten feet above the ground. It wears heavy leather skins, and wields a massive club bound with iron. The ogre's massive musculature makes you feel like an insect compared to his power.
Ogre Grunt
These brutish ogres are used for intimidation and as shock troops. Their massive bulk and incredible strength, coupled with their nearly inexhaustible fighting power, make them effective fighting machines despite their clumsiness and extreme stupidity.
The powerful ogre-mages are ogres who have been magically altered so that their intelligence is increased, and so they gained magical powers. They are cunning and intimidating foes who have no love for other races. Their ruthlessness and bloodlust is legendary.
Old Man
This wizened man sits here on a carved wooden bench. He wears faded grey robes with what appear to have once been symbols on them. His gaze wanders around vaguely, but as you turn to look away you think you seem him appraise you shrewdly out of the corner of his eye.
Orc Captain
This tall, ferocious-looking orc wears chainmail and wields a razor-sharp scimitar, a sure sign of high rank. He is disciplined and holds himself in such a manner as to indicate that he knows how to use his weapon skilfully.
Orc Lieutenant
This tall, ferocious-looking orc wears chainmail and wields a razor-sharp scimitar, a sure sign of high rank. He is disciplined and holds himself in such a manner as to indicate that he knows how to use his weapon skillfully.
Orc Rogue
With its squinting narrow eyes, sharp pointed teeth, and harsh, callous demeanor, the figure before you could only be an orc. It is wearing rigid leather armor, and carries a readied short sword. It looks around furtively, as if searching for trouble.
Orc Sentry
This leather-clad warrior has the unmistakeable features of an orc. It wields a wickedly sharp scimitar, and stands with uncharacteristic discipline for its race.
Orc Warleader
You are looking at a powerfully muscled orc, wearing a full chainmail suit and wielding a wickedly curved battle-axe. A number of large pouches hang from his belt, and a grey wolf's cloak hangs from his shoulders. Strapped to his left arm is a large black shield.
This huge, ponderous creature appears to be some sort of cross between a bear and a bird -- it has a massive, furred body, and the head and beak of an oversized owl. Although it looks extremely powerful, it does not appear too quick or perceptive.
Paladin Spirit
A shimmering image of a tall man wearing full plate armour stands before you. He rests his hands on the pommel of his great sword, and though you cannot see his face through his visored helm, he seems to exude an aura of quiet sorrow.
This small, mischievious creature is one of the elusive faeries. It wears curious, brightly coloured clothing and flutters around on its dragonfly-like
wings. Pixies are generally harmless but many command powerful magics, and dislike being disturbed.
Planar Storm
This swirling cloud is a mix of dark grey, violet, and blue. It rolls through the air with a crackling noise, arcs of brilliant energy continually spearing out in all directions. Moving with a malevolent grace, it almost seems alive as it seeks out the nearest life-form.
Practice Dummy
This large stuffed dummy somehow has survived all the ravages the rest of the city has endured. Considering its pristine state, magical means are likely.
This thin, handsome young man has dark curly hair down to his shoulders, and clear blue eyes. He wears white robes and soft shoes, and stares at your with a serious gaze.
Priest Spirit
Before you stands the image of a tall, white-robed man, his hair greying with age. His bright green eyes seem to pierce through the insubstantial haze surrounding him, and his commanding personality gives him an almost regal demeanor.
Prismatic Dragon
This glittering dragon has scales of a thousand hues, all of which reflect the light in prismatic sprays. Shining chrome teeth and claws arm this deadly
beast, and the light of hatred in its eyes makes you pause in fear.
This pale, emaciated man appears to be on the brink of death. His is severely malnourished and has many festering wounds. Despite all this he still has a glint in his eye, and raises his head as you approach.
Pyro Jelly
This huge, quivering blob glows brightly with the heat of a furnace. It moves quickly about in a peculiar rolling motion, and pseudopods of flaming matter reach out searchingly!
This small, elf-like creature has pale grey skin and glowing red eyes. Its four-foot-tall body is slender and appears frail, but it moves with unearthly speed and agility. In its hand it wields a long, black, wavy-bladed dagger.
Quickling Lord
This quickling is dressed in fine gold and black silks, and sports glittering jewelry. He wields a large, black blade which drips with a smoking liquid.
Moving with supernatural speed, the quickling lord is a vicious, deadly opponent.
Ranger Spirit
Before you stands the image of a leather-clad elf, shrouded in a cloak which makes her nearly invisible. A long blade and ash bow hang from her back. Her long blonde hair is done up into many small braids which cascade down her shoulders, and she looks you over cooly.
This gnarled old man has seen so much sun that he is as brown as a nut. His frazzled white hair sticks up at all angles, and his faded grey robes are covered in obscure sigils and runes. He looks up sharply as you approach, but then breaks into a large grin.
Red Dragon Serpent
This eight-foot-long serpentine creature ressembles a blood-coloured anaconda, except that it has an evil-looking dragon's head. It has long sharp fangs and short curved horns, and wisps of smoke and licks of flame shoot from its mouth.
This giant birdlike creature resembles a huge two headed buzzard, aside from its white downy feathers. It has a twenty foot wingspan, and its enormous claws hold razor sharp talons.
Roc Hatchling
This small three foot tall bird appears to be freshly hatched, as it still has its eyes closed. It is small, and quite awkward, yet its beak appears to be razor sharp.
Royal Soldier
This tall, mail-armored soldier carries an iron-bound shield and sharpened longsword at his side. His tabard proudly displays the purple-and-gold eagle crest of the kingdom. He stands at attention, carefully scanning the area for all intruders.
This ten foot long lizard is bright red, and seems to be sheathed in flames! Its powerful clawed legs propel it slowly towards you, and its wide-set black
eyes glitter evilly. Its tail swishes back and forth hypnotisingly, leaving glowing trails in your mind's eye.
Before you stands perhaps the handsomest goblin you have ever seen. He wears embroidered red robes and a multitude of golden bracelets, and his wiry black hair is slicked back. A pair of delicate spectacles is perched on the end of his nose.
Serpentkin Chieftain
This tall, muscular serpent man is garbed in all sorts of bone and crystal jewellry. A large, heavy necklace hangs down over its chest, and in its powerful hands it wields a crystal sword. The glint of cunning is in its eyes, and it moves with grace and speed.
Serpentkin Hunter
This tall, evil-looking creature seems to be some form of human-snake combination. It has the long sinuous body of a serpent, and the same wedge-shaped head and slitted eyes, but has the upper body and arms of a human. It slithers about softly, and wields a crystalline spear.
Serpentkin Shaman
This tall, evil-looking creature seems to be some form of human-snake combination. It has the long sinuous body of a serpent, and the same wedge-shaped head and slitted eyes, but has the upper body and arms of a human. It wields a crystal club, and makes arcane gestures!
Serpentkin Warrior
This tall, evil-looking creature seems to be some form of human-snake combination. It has the long sinuous body of a serpent, and the same wedge-shaped head and slitted eyes, but has the upper body and arms of a human.
It wields a long crystalline sword in both hands.
Serpentkin Witchdoctor
This tall, sinister-looking serpent man is covered in an array of jewelry and fetishes of all sorts and descriptions. Swirling blue tattoos cover its body. It eyes you with contempt and malice, and waves its hands about in arcane pattern.
This is a shadowy spirit in the vague shape of a human, with glowing red points of light where its eyes should be. It is hard to sese, and seems to fade in and out of existance.
This unnerving apparition seems to be your worst nightmare -- a large shadowy figure with long, wicked claws and hellishly burning eyes. It moves
with an unnatural grace as it stalks you!
Shadowy Healer
This mysterious figure is garbed in plain, midnight- black robes. At your approach, it beckons to you softly.
Shambling Mound
This tall, quivering tower of plants and vines is roughly shaped like a humanoid. It moves about on thick legs, every step resounding with a wet thump. It waves its arms about menacingly, liquid dripping from it in rivulets.
This cowering shopkeeper is obviously in fear of his life. As you
approach, he fauns over you, displaying his best wares prominently.
He is quite a pathetic person, and you might have felt sorry for him
if he wasn't such a piece of worthless scum.
Silvermere's sheriff is an imposing figure -- six and a half feet of pure muscle, he is jokingly referred to as 'Ogre', though never to his face. He looks more like a bar-room brawler than a law officer, but he is known to be quite shrewd, and fair to those who deserve it.
Silver Casket
This squat, heavy silver casket is inlaid with many small etchings
of capering warriors. It rests upon a small marble dais.
This sleek, peaceful creature is about six feet in length and is covered in glittering silvery scales. Its main source of food is algae and river weeds, which it considers a delicacy. When attacked, the silverfish is known to ram into its foe with its poisoned spines.
Silvery Skull
This real-size, metallic skull floats about with apparent ease and agility. Burning points of fire glow in its eye sockets, occasionally flickering brightly.
Skali is slim and bony, but is so well-muscled that he must not have an ounce of fat on him. His long, lusterless brown hair is swept back into a long ponytail, and he wears a thick leather apron. His thin moustaches and squinting eyes give him a sinister appearance.
Skeletal Warrior
This tall, mail-armored figure walks rigidly erect. A long broadsword hangs from its waist, and it carries a round shield in its left hand. Twin points of light glow from within its polished iron helm like burning fires.
The animated skeleton of a humanoid creature stands before you. Bits of dried flesh cling to its yellow bones, and faint flickers of red light can be seen in its eye sockets. The undead are known to be very difficult to destroy, as they are already dead.
Slave Lord
Garbed in a strange assortment of half-plate and leather, the slave
lord is a figure of utter dominance. An unflinching look of command
spears out from beneath bushy eyebrows, his steady hand would wield
the long sword at his hip with remarkable skill.
This tall, heavily muscled man wears gaudy, mismatched armor, more for show than for effectiveness. His face and head are hidden by a heavy iron helm, with a slit for the eyes and metal grilles over the ears and mouth. He wields a large, wicked-looking barbed scourge.
This seedy-looking fellow is clothed in dirty leather armour, and a
well-used blade hangs by his side. He peers about with a sneaky grin,
seemingly thinking of new and improved ways to abuse whatever his
gaze lands on.
Slaver Leader
This cruel-looking man is dressed in well-kept combat leathers, and
wields a vicious barbed whip. There is a nasty, but intelligent glint
in his eye.
Slime Beast
This large amorphous mass of slime is brownish-black in color, and oozes about disturbingly. Bits of unidentifiable objects poke out of it occasionally.
Slime Serpent
This long, finned monstrosity slithers through the incredible filth
of the moat. Hundreds of glossy black scales glisten with slime, and
its wide mouth is filled with a multitude of long, curved, needle-
like teeth.
Stone Golem
This is a tall, grey statue of a powerfully-built man. It swings its fists as if they were hammers, slowly but with deadly force. Its rocky hide makes it a tough opponent.
Swamp Serpent
This large, green serpent is mottled with patterns of brown and black. It waves its head about searchingly, as if looking for prey.
This tall, plate-armored figure stands with a quiet watchfulness that makes you hope you're not his enemy. The Templars are known to be deadly adversaries with both magic and the massive greatswords they employ in combat.
Tentacled Abomination
This disgusting beast looks like nothing you have ever seen before. Its lumpy, scaly hide is a green so dark it is almost black. It walks on four webbed legs and is covered in a dozen spiky tentacles. It has a powerful finned tail which it waves about menacingly.
Terror Beast
This hideous creature flies about swiftly on leathery wings. Its three heads are mounted on long, serpentine necks, and are filled with countless dripping fangs. A wave of terror comes over anyone who hears its heart-wrenching wail!
Thief Spirit
The image of a halfling wavers before you. He wears soft leather clothing, and a shortsword swings by his side. As you approach, he grins and gives a little bow in welcoming.
This huge, fifteen foot tall giant is garbed in the thick hides of woodland animals, and wields a massive dark club in one hand. You spy a golden sparkle from under his clothes. He sneers at you contemptuously, hefts his club, and utters a bellowing cry!
This thug creeps around stealthily, looking for some unsuspecting person to ambush and rob. He wears leather armor, and wields a nasty looking spiked club.
Before you stands a powerfully-muscled dwarf, stocky and bare-chested. His long braided beard is thrust through his belt, and a broad double-bladed axe hangs at his side.
The entity emits the most powerful energy you have ever felt. He
exists more as a spiritual entity rather then a physical one, and
appears as a semi-transparent figure of vaguely humanoid form-- his
true features cannot be distinguished.
Treants are the eternal shepherds of the trees and guardians of the forests. While not any tougher than the huorns they command, they are as intelligent as any human, and are far wiser, as their lifespans range in the hundreds of years. They make fearsome opponents.
This hideous beast looks like something out of your worst nightmare. It is a humanoid monstrosity, a perversion of nature verified by its foot-long claws
and serrated teeth. Red eyes peer at you from a thin, grey-skinned face, and it flexes its ropy muscles in preparation.
Twisted One
This hideous mutation can only be the product of some form of magical experimentation, or the result of some curse of the gods. The twisted one is a combination of beast and man, with great strength and a hunchbacked body.
Two-Headed Hydra
The hideous beast is about twice the size of a large bull. Its four scaly legs propel its heavy body forward slowly, and its two dragon-like heads swing around to face you. It hisses malevolently as it methodically plods toward you.
Umber Hulk
This eight-foot tall monstrosity appears to be a some sort of humanoid insect. Its two arms and legs sport long claws suitable for tearing through stone and
flesh alike. Four strangely glittering eyes gaze at you with malevolent intensity.
Unholy Idol
This huge, six-armed obsidian statue is crafted to appear as an unholy warrior armoured in wickedly spiked plate and helm. In two of its hands it wields a long barbed lance, blood-red in color. Burning flame lights its eyes, and it advances with uncanny precision!
The beautiful unicorn is a magical protector of the woods. It is strong and quick, and extremely skilled with its horn. Although normally shy and reclusive, the unicorn is a relentless and deadly foe when it encounters creatures of evil.
Vampire Bat
This huge, jet-black bat has a wingspan of at least twelve feet. Its small, crimson eyes glow evilly, and it flexes its razorlike talons compulsively.
Vampire Rosebush
This large, spiny bush is covered in the most delicate, beautiful red roses you have ever seen. The leaves are a deep, glossy green, and the stems are unusually long and supple. The plant seems to quiver at your approach.
Violet Spore
This bulbous, slow-moving mound of fungus is coloured a deep purple, with patterns of red. It slides about on rippling pads, and is studded with many short, blunt nozzles.
War Dog
This massively-muscled beast stands fully four feet tall at the shoulder. It has a maw filled with curved, razor-sharp teeth, claws like steel, and a rabid fury to match. Around its neck it wears a thick spiked
iron collar.
Warlock Mercenary
This tall, well-built man wears rigid leather armour, and a curve
sword hangs by his side. He looks confident, and if his hard,
calculating gaze is anything to go by, this confidence is well-
Warlock Spirit
Before you stands the image of a gnarled, aged gnome with a long white beard. He wears rigid battle leathers, and a short pointed sword hangs by his side.
Warrior Spirit
Before you stands the shimmering figure of a kang warrior, armoured in glittering plate mail. Twin broadswords hang from his back, and as you look him up and down, he bows slightly. With a shock, you recognize him as one of the old Heroes of Silvermere!
Water Elemental
The water elemental is extremely difficult to notice, as it is only barely visible in any body of water. It flows about rapidly, able to change its shape and to deliver powerful blows with its watery limbs.
Elementals are also known to sometimes command elemental magics.
This shifty-eyed creature looks like a cross between a rat and a
human. It stands five feet tall on its two legs, and in its clawed
hands it grips a wide-bladed sword. Wererats are immune to all
poisons and to the disease which they pass on wherever they go.
Werewrat Champion
This tall, muscular wererat is garbed in an assortment of half-plate
armour, and wields a heavy greatsword with ease and skill. It leers
cruelly at you from beneath its iron helm, and moves with grace and
speed despite the heavy armour.
Werewrat Emissary
This tall, muscular wererat is garbed in an assortment of half-plate
armour, and wields a heavy greatsword with ease and skill. It leers
cruelly at you from beneath its iron helm, and moves with grace and
speed despite the heavy armour.
Werewrat Plague Crafter
This nasty-looking wererat is garbed in a swath of black robes. An
aura of pure evil radiates from it, and the crafty look of lunacy in
its eyes only adds to its crazed appearance. Flasks of a strange
liquid hang from its belt, and in one hand it wields a heavy sickle.
Werewrat Shaman
This shifty-eyed creature looks like a cross between a rat and a
human. It stands five feet tall on its two legs, and in its clawed
hands it grips a short, iron-knobbed staff. Bags of ritual talismans
and grisly spell components hang from its belt.
This lithe, well-built figure is completely covered in shaggy, reddish hair. Its long arms sport wicked- looking curved claws. A heavy helm crafted in the shape of a wolf's head conceals its facial features, but the glint of red eyes and shining fangs can be seen.
White Dragon Serpent
This eight-foot-long serpentine creature ressembles an ivory white anaconda, except that it has an evil-looking dragon's head. It has long sharp fangs and short curved horns, and it radiates an aura of extreme cold.
This revolting undead creation is a bent, misshapen humanoid with glowing red points for eyes, and cruelly-hooked claws. Despite its gaunt appearance, you can see it is powerfully muscled, and moves with the confident speed of a cat.
Wild Dog
This filthy dog reeks quite badly, and shakes as if having a seizure. It has a crazy look in its eyes, and foams profusely at the mouth.
Winged Horror
This large, reptilian beast is jet black, with a wingspan wider than three large men are tall. Its wedge-shaped head is filled with long, needle-sharp teeth, and is set on a slender neck. Its slitted red eyes peer at you
maliciously, and it hisses ferociously at you!
Witchunter Spirit
The image of a mammoth, mailed half-ogre floats before you. His huge greatsword hangs from its side as if it were a one-handed blade. At your approach, he looks you up and down with a surprisingly intelligent gaze.
Wood Golem
This is a twisted wooden construction in the rough shape of a human. It stands about seven feet high, and moves with a jerky, awkward gait. Its heavy arms could cause considerable damage in combat.
Woodelf Citizen
The elf is clad in green and brown leathers, and is girded with a long blade by his side. He appears to be somewhat suspicious and keeps a careful eye out for trespassers.
Woodelf Druid
This tall, mysterious figure is cloaked in a deep-green cape which almost seems to blend into the background. The elf wields a long darkwood
staff, and strides around tending to the forest.
Woodelf Guard
This tall, muscular elf wears an elaborate wooden breastplate in addition to green leathers. He wields a deadly war-spear with extreme skill, and is vigilant in his pursual of trespassers and creatures of evil.
Woodelf Lord
This tall, well-built elf has a commanding air about him. Garbed in shimmering silvery robes and wielding a shining silverwood staff, he is the
definition of regal. Although he appears stern, a hint of warmth and compassion can be seen in his eyes.
Woodelf Ranger
This tall, mysterious figure is cloaked in a deep-green cape which almost seems to blend into the background. The elf wields a long broad-bladed
war spear with skill, and stalks about the forest patrolling for evil creatures.
Woodelf Wardancer
This athletic figure is garbed in nothing more than shimmering silks. She twirls and dances with incredible speed, whirling her spear about in deadly
arcs. Wardancers are known to be excellent, agile warriors who often use acrobatics in their attacks.
Wounded Worker
The man before you is wearing ragged clothing, and cowers before you in fear. He seems to be clutching his leg, which is twisted unnaturally beneath him.
This tall figure radiates an aura of horror, making your hair stand on end. It is shrouded in an evil darkness which saps the courage from you. Its shadowy form is difficult to see, but its slitted, glowing red eyes are readily apparent.
Before you stands a large, powerfully muscled ape-like creature of approximately 9 feet in height. It's white fur pelt makes it hard to distinguish in the deep snow. It bears its yellow, chipped fangs at your approach and bellows, extending its huge arms upward.
Young Dragon
This large reptilian creature is about thirty feet long, and is covered in blood-red scales. It has long talons and fangs, and its wingspan is easily twice its length. A wisp of smoke trails from its mouth as it looks at you with its glittering black eyes.
Young Girl
This dark-haired girl is clad in the white embroidered robes of a temple priest, though she looks far too young to hold such a position. Her wide blue eyes seem to hold much wisdom in them, and more than a little secrecy.
Zombie (1)
This decayed corpse is barely recognizable, as its undead body has been rent by terrible claws. It moves with a stiff-legged, shambling gait, and it carries a splintered wooden pick in its hand. This is obviously the restless corpse of one of the slain miners.
Zombie (2)
This is an animated, rotting corpse. It walks around listlessly, and its eyeless face gives no hint of emotion. The necromatic magic that has animated this creation has made it quite tough to slay, and it is imbued with an unnatural stength.