Mystic Documentation

| Mystic                                                          EXP: 250% |
| Mystics are a rare and unusual class. They are the students of ancient    |
| unarmed combat arts, and develop considerable mental powers (called Kai   |
| powers) in the course of their training. The source of these Mystics is   |
| not well known, but it is generally assumed to be an ancient teacher in   |
| some secluded cave. Of course, this Mystic teacher could live right in a  |
| city for all that is known. There are fairly advanced disciples in most   |
| cities, and they teach these exotic skills to any they deem worthy. They  |
| have yet to divulge the location of their master, however. Mystics'       |
| unarmed combat is effective against weapons and armour due to their       |
| knowledge of critical points. Usually use no weapons at all, but some     |
| have become proficient in the staff. They will wear no armour except for  |
| robes, as speed is the main element of their art.                         |
| HP/Level: 4-7   Magic: None   Combat: 3   Weapons: Staff   Armour: Robes  |
| Abilities: Martial Arts, Dodge, Stealth, Kai Powers.                      |
