Ninja Documentation

| Ninja                                                           EXP: 185% |
| The origins of the ninja are basically unknown, save for the fact that    |
| they come from a distant and exotic land. They seem to have an animosity  |
| against mystics, so they probably originate from the same area. Ninjas    |
| excel in the art of stealth and subterfuge. While they can fight fairly   |
| well in hand to hand combat, they prefer to immobilize their opponent     |
| before he would have time to react. After a deadly attack from the        |
| shadows, they will usually finish off their victim with their mastery of  |
| pressure point attacks. The ninjas of Silvermere have been rumoured to be |
| in league with the thieves guild, and are usually hired by them to do the |
| bulk of their dirty work.                                                 |
| HP/Level: 4-7  Magic: None  Combat: 3  Weapons: Any       Armour: Ninja   |
| Abilities: Stealth, Dodge, Enhanced Criticals, Traps, Lockpicking.        |
