Priest Documentation

| Priest                                                          EXP: 140% |
| Priests embody the virtue of their deities, be they good or evil. They    |
| channel the power of the gods to cast their spells and are notably        |
| intolerant of Priests of a different faith. Good Priests are welcome in   |
| all cities for their invaluable healing services, and for their spiritual |
| guidance. Evil Priests are universally shunned, for their magical         |
| practices often require human sacrifice. In fact, evil Priest seems to    |
| enjoy these disgusting rites, which only perpetuates the disgust felt for |
| them. Priests wear only robes and use blunt weapons, for good priests do  |
| not wish to kill needlessly, and evil priests do not want the victims to  |
| bleed to death before they can use them.                                  |
| HP/Level: 3-5  Magic: Priest-3  Combat: 1 Weapons: 1H Blunt Armour: Robes |
| Abilities: None.                                                          |
