Scripting....its the topic of much debate in the Major Mud world. There are a number of you out there that will say "Scriping is cheating". Here is what I have to say to you, I have played this game since its very first release, a very long time ago. I played for almost 2 years before I really started to script, those 2 years were fun, but, very frustrating. I did not have the time to sit all day (and night) and play by hand in order to level my then Paladin, which meant that when I did play I was resigned to staying in the areas which I could survive in, and let me tell you after 6 months or so, any area starts to get really boring. Scripting offers up several things...It allows people who normally would not play at all due to work scheduals, social life, (yes some people have one) or family constraints to play somewhere other than the slums. It allows you to experiment with more than one type of character I myself has had at least one of every class, this way i was able to find out exactly what type of character I really liked to play, otherwise, like I was in the begining I would be stuck with a character just because I happen to be level 8 and dont want to go through the hassle of rerolling and taking 6 months to get back to where I am now.
Some of you will also say "it takes away from the fun of the game"...oh really, I suppose for some people its a blast to run the graveyard and the slums for a year. I myself would rather script up and go to the module 2 areas in 6 months or less. If not for scripting i seriously doubt anyone would rationally roll up a Goblin Mystic, it would take too long to get to level 10 let alone 20.
I believe in scripting, I'm all for it, if you disagree, well have fun truging about I'm going to go kill the Dragon while you play with Cave Worms.
Ok I'm off my soapbox now....just bear in mind, this game(especially with the most recent addons) is has a large gaming area..why use less than 50% of it? All you Sysops that are scripterphobic need to realise that MOST people who script tend to stay longer and pay for access and if you alow it will pay for more than one account, I was once on a board that had over 250 paid accounts..just for mud...think about that.