Customise your Statline to give you the info you want, use the information below to set your statline up to your liking. Don't want a statline at all? Then just type SET STATLINE OFF...want it back on? type SET STATLINE FULL or SET STATLINE ON...these commands will give you the standard default statlines....good luck and have fun.
SET STATLINE CUSTOM xxx SET STATLINE FULL CUSTOM xxx (enter displays a short room desc). The xxx can be up to 60 characters long and may include spaces, etc. You may include the following variables in xxx: %h - current hit points %H - max hit points. %m - current mana %M - max mana %c - current wealth on hand %x - current experience %X - experience to next level %r - resting flag " (Resting) " when resting %fn - set foreground colour (n = 0-7) %bn - set background colour (n = 0-7) %B - bold %N - normal %U - underline %L - blink %R - reverse