Thief Documentation

| Thief                                                            EXP: 80% |
| The Thief class is fairly self-explanatory. Thieves steal, for different  |
| reasons, and are very good at it. Not all thieves rob for personal gain:  |
| many are vigilantes, robbing sleazy nobles to help the poor. Others       |
| rarely use their thieving skills and are basically scouts, creeping ahead |
| to survey enemies. Of course most thieves rob for their own benefit, and  |
| thus it is usually good to keep an eye on all Thieves in your party, even |
| if they have given their word they will not rob you. Thieves have a       |
| number of useful abilites, including Thievery, Stealth, Lockpicking,      |
| and Traps. They can use any one-handed weapon, and will wear no armour    |
| greater than leather due to their need for stealth. Thieves can           |
| also Backstab from the shadows when they are hidden, as can any class     |
| with Stealth.                                                             |
| HP/Level: 4-6  Magic: None  Combat: 2  Weapons: 1-handed  Armour: Leather |
| Abilities: Stealth, Thievery, Traps, Lockpicking.                         |
