Ok I took the old Bugs list and threw it out. Why? you ask. Well mostly because it did not have the versions that the Bugs were found in so therefore I decided it no longer had merit, since most had been patched in later versions. So lets make a new one. When you find a bug, send it to me, fill out the form below COMPLETELY, if you don't know something then go find out, it does no one any good if the Bug is a rumor. I can't tell you how many times I've found a "bugs list" on someone else's page and when I went to check on it the bug no longer existed. Click here for my Opinions on Bugs and play. Alrightythen lets do this, first of all fill out the form, completely, I dont care if you give me your real name or not, but a real email address would be cool...after I get your submittal I will check out the Bug and then post your Submittal and give you credit right there to be immortalised forver in Muddom. Thanks for your support.
Rod's List of Bugs | |||
Bug Name | Version | Description | Submitted by |
Throne A/C Bug | 1.1J | After killing the Ice Princess have another character cast spells on you, like frenzy, and vulerability then "sit throne" as many times as possible before the spells wear off. Your A/C will raise quite a bit. | Dakia |
Too Good for your own Good | 1.1L | Good aligned characters can no longer enter the monestary, keeping them from finishing their quests. | Rogue |
Isto Bug | 1.1J | Cast ice storm on a monster then cast a fire based attack spell on it. On some monsters this increases damage tremendously. | Magus |
Dodge Bug | 1.1L | On occasion when partied with a Ninja or Mystic, entire party can dodge. | Dispater |
Idol Regen Bug | 1.1L | Unholy Idol will now regen to full on one rip from the bloodlance. | Dispater |
NOTE: You must fill in EVERY blank to submit this form.